
Mezza 9


7 Reviews


RM 25 / Person

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  • Sunday: 0:00 - 13:00,15:00 - 0:00
  • Monday: 0:00 - 13:00,15:00 - 0:00
  • Tuesday: 0:00 - 13:00,15:00 - 0:00
  • Wednesday: 0:00 - 13:00,15:00 - 0:00
  • Thursday: 0:00 - 13:00,15:00 - 0:00
  • Friday: 0:00 - 13:00,15:00 - 0:00
  • Saturday: 0:00 - 13:00,15:00 - 0:00

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Mezza 9 Reviews


7 Reviews

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  • Houseofoodies


    My period spent at Mezza9 has been primarily to benefit from their Wines Buffet. We generally have the occasional pizza once in a while but by no stretch of the imagination would we arrive for meals alone. Music is commonly slightly louder than I'd like and it usually simply plays reruns of the Victoria Secret Style Show. An improved themed genre of songs to fit using its darkish themed décor and ambience would assist. Priced at a minimal RM55 (usually arises to RM64 + after tax), your wine buffet supplies a decent selection of both reddish colored and white wines. Will definitely interest both wines enthusiasts and anyone wanting to simply have more bang because of their buck with regards to alcohol level

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  • Sella Enoviana


    It really is undeniable that Mezza9's main feature is their wines buffet. Therefore, for the aspiring sommelier, it is a great possibility for one to sample various wines from various labels and regions. Or you understand, if you're only a good'ol wino. (Take note: I am by no means encouraging alcoholism; beverage responsibly; don't beverage and drive; etc..) Having a wine buffet throughout the year is not any easy feat, needing to source high quality wines, both whitened and red from around the globe. Hence, at RM55++ this helps it be really worth your cash and you will now understand why this location draws a group. But this is why you ought to be advised to contact ahead and make a booking, especially on weekend break nights. EASILY am not really mistaken, they rotate a highlighted dish to opt for the very best wine everyday. And when you're not certain about your wine, don't be shy to request the helpful waiters. Who understand, you may learn something or two about your favourite wines. If wine isn't your thing nevertheless, you do not desire to be labelled because the social pariah, Mezza9 furthermore serves whisky and beers which they from time to time have promotions for. Easiest way to know would be to verify their facebook web page regularly.

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  • Milla Carmellita


    We love wine buffet. So naturally we like Mezza9. Offering wines buffet from 5pm to 1am daily at RM55++ just, Mezza9 offers you bang for the buck. Wines range between Australia, Spain, Chile, Argentina, Italy and South Africa. If you want, order some snack foods to opt for your wines. The only real downer here's all they just have higher stools and higher tables - not entirely pleasurable if you are going to sit all night.

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  • Stefany Martina


    i'm the kinda woman who loves an excellent buffet..and what more if it had been a wines buffet?! LOL! Mezza9 supplies a fabulous wines buffet of several regions with top quality for both reds and whites for just RM65++. Now that will be a damn great deal, yes? I'm not really too great with my wines, i'm even more of beer drinker and i really like my longer island iced teas nevertheless after coming right here for the 1st time i believe i understand my wines just a little better and revel in them a bit more too. Because of the pleasant bartenders who was offering me an educational info on wines. I now like a glass of whitened wine once in a while (lesser calories too!) Therefore many thanks Mr Bartender type Mezza9 (im sorry i cannot remember your name). Which is will be my go to location if im in the disposition to possess gallons of whites!

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  • Masagus Faisal Akbar


    The inside of mezza9 is darkish and pretty romantic. They will have an extremely good wine advertising where it's such as a wines buffet. You'll pay a set price and you reach drink as much wines from their specific choice as you prefer and it's not bad at all. There are various kinds of red and whitened of one's liking. I would visit a lot of corporate individuals at the bar. The services there's pretty decent. Parking are available in publika itself, you can find parking accessible inside. It's located correct outside the mall, where there are lots of others stores like la CASA and mamak Andersen.

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Mezza 9 Location

B-G-03A, Glomas Galleria, Jalan 26/70A Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur

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Mezza 9 is located at B-G-03A, Glomas Galleria, Jalan 26/70A Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. This is a Kafe restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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