
Mama Mee @Kepong Baru


10 Reviews


RM 25 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 17:30 - 0:00
  • Monday: 17:30 - 0:00
  • Wednesday: 17:30 - 0:00
  • Thursday: 17:30 - 0:00
  • Friday: 17:30 - 0:00
  • Saturday: 17:30 - 0:00

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Mama Mee @Kepong Baru Location

Jalan Kepong Baru Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur

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  • Not wheelchair accessible
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  • Outside the House

Mama Mee @Kepong Baru is located at Jalan Kepong Baru Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Mama Mee @Kepong Baru is around RM 25 / Person,and the opening hours are 17:30 - 0:00.Mama Mee @Kepong Baru is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Mama Mee @Kepong Baru that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +601121212109.

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Mama Mee @Kepong Baru Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Jowei Yeoh


    In all honesty the flavor have changed a whole lot not as identical to before seafood also not really fresh

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  • Sim Jia Ying


    Enjoy their lemongrass juice. The signature mama mee furthermore taste great. The prawn and squid can be cooked perfectly.

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  • Stella Wang


    First up, the area is easy and it’s personal service from placing your purchase in a bit of document and paying at the counter . Menu was good Thai meals like Tom yamNoodles and an array of western pastas like Aglio Olio etc. We purchased the Tom yam soup Mama noodles with pork meats balls and a plate of smoked duck slices on dried out Mama noodles. We furthermore had 2 beverages - lemon grass fruit juice and Thai milk tea. Total bill - Rm37.60.Person from counter wasn’t friendly and looked absolutely ’zonked’ so when if ‘why am We working tonight’ type of a face.Great…we then waited for the food 10 mins rather than too long following the Tom yam noodles arrived. It had been tasty and had heavy milky soup base, nevertheless the soup was hot and not warm. The noodles has been ‘al dente’.I waited following for my duck sliced noodles also it in no way came after 10 mins … waited and waited…. Till we known as them out , first had been a young woman who spoke in Mandarin and she answered,” it’s cooking”, Ok great…my wife and girl then asked another man employees, he repeated what the dude said “it’s cooking”! (After all he’s not incorrect factually as if they're not then it’s simply plain stupid but food preparation after 15 mins or even more following the tom yum noodles arrived for a straightforward Mama noodles, c’mon! (Btw, there wasn't a good crowd, just 3 extra tables that sat directly after we arrived 10 mins earlier also to ensure it is worse, one desk had their food offered before us!)Waited …waited again and known as out to the employees who we fulfilled at the counter and his mindset was outstanding - this individual don’t even desire to react to us at all! Done well!Probably it’s unfortunate for all of us we have there been at the incorrect time if they had a ‘awful’ day. I am hoping they'll read this and enhance on the performance and attitude.

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  • Anuratha


    The noodles is good but very salty when finished about 50 % of the bowl. Huge glass of drinks that you need not worry if the food items are as well spicy ;)Hygiene is among the concern, several tables are simply next to the bathroom . and basin.Felt thirsty after taken the meals there.

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  • Putri Lokita


    Totally disappointed.Food await 30minOrder a sashimi, seafood mama mee & a smoke duck dried out noodle.Shashimi not really freshSeafood mama mee flavor is great, what cannot accept may be the meat ball aren't even warm.Also those await 30minDry noodle as well salty.2 superstar1 for the soup flavor & 1 for the lemongrass tea.

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