
It Cake


9 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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  • Sunday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Monday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Tuesday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Thursday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Friday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 - 22:00

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It Cake Reviews


9 Reviews

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  • Michelle Gracia


    New all day long brunch cafe in Pavilion. The food quantity of their top seller Jumbo breakfast was commendable. And 2x Grapefruit was very nice despite the fact that I am not just a fan of grapefruit.

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  • Jordan Tanuwijaya


    very nice spot to having lunch time with family or few..first-time I having lunch time with my fiancee and at here the staff so pleasant..

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  • Tasha Maharani


    American Big Breakfast - To begin with, the scrambled egg was bland, not creamy/buttery at all and can't see nor taste any dark pepper. As you can plainly see from the photo, whitened juice oozed right out of the egg which displays the ability of the chef.Gordon Ramsay would scream his lungs out if he sees that. The salad dressing tasted just like the store purchased japanese sesame dressing. BBQ poultry pizza - The photo clearly displays the cheese topping even now needed a little bit of amount of time in the oven. Overall it wasn't an excellent pizza. 2nd visit, surely not.

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  • Mayritza Deecille


    Probably the most terrible and expensive food ever!!!! We orderd 2 pasta's and a pizza. It will was included with soup and loaf of bread.. i put the photos here so that you can judge yourself. And yes the offered us that level of soup and that dried out dirty pieceof breads.. awfull..never once again for 54 RM..

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  • Nessya Nessya


    Ate here with buddies so I test-tasted a lot of different meals. We're likely back as it appears like a relaxed cafe to relax in. There exists a bunch of games and things that it is possible to play with whilst looking forward to yourfood, and the personnel were decently attentive. The bad: I'd steer clear of the cutesy pretty things, lots of it will be over-sugared to the stage where sugar may be the main flavour rather than whatever flavour the cake or beverage is meant to be. The good: The cheese meals are good if you want cheese. Portions are good, RM14 purchased us a skillet filled up with fries topped with meats sauce and melted cheese. The burger dish had been served with its personal heap of fries. There's another cheese dish that's basically meats sauce with eggs and cheese, served with breads, that was also very good (I didn't get yourself a picture of it though). Among the cheesecake slices also was included with the scoop of ice lotion and a small waffle cone, which we enjoyed. The chocolate stuff is good as well. The unique nutella milkshake appears silly, however the salty pretzels match the sugary marshmallows it's topped with, and you may scrape nutella off the sides of the jar, so it is actually quite useful and delicious. I didn't possess the chance to attempt the cake that has been made out of Valrhona chocolate, maybe the next time.

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It Cake Location

168 Jalan Bukit Bintang Level 7, Pavilion Elite, Pavilion KL, Kuala Lumpur 55100 Malaysia

It Cake is located at 168 Jalan Bukit Bintang Level 7, Pavilion Elite, Pavilion KL, Kuala Lumpur 55100 Malaysia. This is a Europe restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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