
Hoshino Coffee


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Hoshino Coffee Location

No. 27-G Ground Floor, The Boulevard. Lingkaran Syed Putra, Mid Valley City Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 59200 Malaysia

Hoshino Coffee is located at No. 27-G Ground Floor, The Boulevard. Lingkaran Syed Putra, Mid Valley City Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 59200 Malaysia. This is a Kafe restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Hoshino Coffee is around RM 35 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Hoshino Coffee is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Hoshino Coffee that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 3-2391 9020.

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Hoshino Coffee Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Clarissa Leoni Cherdy


    Well we properly .... the display of the French Toast could be actually deceiving eh? The mango is simply too sour for me personally ... wonder it really originates from Japan ... the iced milk coffee (because they claim well-known for) will be another ordinary-taste-coffee that youcan obtain it from regular restaurant ...

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  • Oscar Hansen Samsi


    Was here for a few tea and we tried the Twice Pancake Souffle, pasta and drip espresso. The pancake has been a little dry to be reasonable but overall the meals was good

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  • Andhitta Audria Putri


    I actually was attracted by their Japanese design food samples on screen especially the fluffy pancakes. My pal n I made a decision to test it out for. We purchased pasta with seafood and the individual pancake. The pasta.. Helping and taste were great. They devote 4mussels, some clams n prawns. The pancake really was fluffy, such as a soufflé or cotton lotion cheese cake. But I believed these were too stingy making use of their whipped lotion! For Rm 16.90 per pancake, they might smother it with the whipped cream. And lastly we tried their hand-dripped espresso... We were dissatisfied for Rm 15.90 for each cup, it tasted similar to local coffee! I love local coffee... However, not at this price. I would go once again for the pancakes!

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  • Lany Aprili Sulistiani


    We visited this cafe twice during our keep and found it to end up being clean and affordable. One lunchtime we'd Chicken Teriyaki Spaghetti that was laced seriously with garlic rendering it nearly inedible. The Strawberry pancakes and espresso were great though.

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  • Haris Gac


    Disclaimer along with my disclaimer: We had actually visited this wall plug for very long time but because of the queue, I could only post this now. When 1977 Poultry Rice closed once and for all, I noticed this huge group queueing beyond your newly opened Hoshino -away of curiosity, I told myself that I die die also need to try it as soon as. The issue was that usually I only head to Mid Valley on weekends. ◾Japanese Milk Espresso (RM15.30) - among Japanese favourite consume where you mix sweetened condensed milk in to the arabica coffee. Exactly like our Malaysian kopi, but even more atas 😅 ◾Hoshino Coffee Mix (RM14.20) - making use of arabica beans, perfect selection for individuals who prefer black colored and sugar-free. ◾Teriyaki Poultry Platter with Onsen Egg (RM27.90) - tenderly fried chicken meats served with the teriyaki sauce privately, with 2 slices of thick loaf of bread, wedges, and salad completed the platter. ◾Vanilla Soufflé Chocolate Sauce (RM15.90) - designed to order therefore the waiting period was around 15-20 min and that is also according to the crowd. Overall cost for the food, beverage and dessert are in the high part - however, the meals quality was quite great so all its great. Local rental in Mid Valley isn't exactly cheap in any case.

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