
Heritage Club


7 Reviews



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Heritage Club Location

5 Jalan Conlay, Kuala Lumpur 50450 Malaysia

Heritage Club is located at 5 Jalan Conlay, Kuala Lumpur 50450 Malaysia. This is a International restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Heritage Club is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Heritage Club is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Heritage Club that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 3-2688 9688.

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Heritage Club Reviews


7 Reviews

  • Yohanes Tjhio


    It is a bar situated in The Royale Chulan hotel that is like a top quality heritage hotel. They will have bar food choices which are decent. Superb selection of wines will there be with an enormous wine cellar. Options for alcohol were typical for a 5superstar resort. We visited on a Saturday night time and were amazed that it was not really crowded. The bar includes a sizeable stage where live life bands carried out that evening and were quite great. For the cigar aficionados they do have an excellent collection of cigars including Cohiba's. I would suggest going to this bar only when you are residing at the hotel. Or even after that give it a move as you can find better options.

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  • Justinus Prawatyo


    The great bar on the floor flooring of the Royale Chulan resort with live bands, great service and affordable drinks. Only down-aspect had been that people had to sit down at the bar because we had been told that the seating at the front end of thestage (that was empty while we have there been) have been reserved. As resort visitors ourselves, we felt just a little 'miffed' that people couldn't sit close to the stage area. Smoking is permitted.

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  • Hariadi Adi Pratomo


    I actually was taken recently to The Royale Chulan’s Heritage Golf club and this place is indeed cool and hippy . It is possible to dance during the night with live life music with amazing band. I can appreciate my cigar and my beverages in my privacy . Theyhave 2 floors , surface floor where in fact the bar and the band has but upstairs even more to private environment and called the VIP area . Great spot to have getting together with and dinner discussion . We'd some sushi , snacks plus some supper menu . It's may be the city’s hippest celebration venue found at From The Royale chulan resort . With the beautiful bands playing it is possible to dance during the night with reside music. You'll get to soak in the power of the 2 bands known as Screamers and Riverside . Live songs begins from 10 pm onwards and it's really worth the visit . The ambience rocks ! and I liked every second of it and you ought to too when you have the opportunity ya .

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  • Rachmat Edho Soesanto Kairupan


    Very quiet in the night time we went that was a Saturday. The band was great and palyed mainly gradual songs performed by the feminine lead singer.Beer price 25MYR a bottle.

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  • Milka Faustine


    We were again in the Royale Chulan which time we were at tea time. Therefore we mentioned let's try the Heritage Club. We'd the Cesar salad Beef Burger and Golf club Sandwich. Food took quite a long time to reach almost 45mins and we had been the only individuals in the pub. Therefore no excuses there. The beef burger was great as was the golf club sandwich. Beef strips with pickles and cheese. Aside from the time and energy to wait the area is nice and good appointed. Still, probably it was not a good choice for tea!!

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