


5 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Haven Reviews


5 Reviews

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  • Liang


    The venue is excellent, quite quiet and pleasant (with an enormous garden around, ideal for kids) food & beverages were awesome ( aside from the croissants) and just a little shop where one can buy natural products (food,among others). In addition, the coffee isREALLY great! Go for it!

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  • Yin Yin


    By simply no means a fresh establishment in the diplomatic enclave of KL and evidently having "grown organically" (pun not intended) during the last year or two, this smallish F&B outlet progressively encompassed a natural supermarket, natural spa, baby treatment shop and cafe. All thisis right now housed in a whitewashed 60's one-storey bungalow occur a spacious garden, really discretely inside a residential neighborhood. Simply consider the deal with emblazoned on the backyard wall. The restaurant interiors are simple and occupies the 'living room' of the home. The ambience is peaceful and informal and 'seems' just like a 'sunday afternoon' everyday particularly if you select to take a seat on the terrace. It is possible to wander in to the grocery shop (that is adjacent to the cafe) while looking forward to your orders to become served. Many items in the lunch menu pretty enticing but since there have been only four folks (two kids integrated) we primarily held to the fundamentals of salads, soups, pasta and burgers. (No entrees :( this time around round). Service was pretty prompt and the meals was refreshing and well-plated without significantly fuss. Soups had been served with solid slices of delicious wholewheat. Creamy mushroom (extremely robust, we believe they used portobello) ranked much better than the pumpkin, inside our viewpoint. The rocket portobello salad has been good; generous on the funghi that was well-grilled. The traditional caesar salad was delicious but lacked the kick in comparison with the previous. The fusion pesto pasta (I believe its among their signature dishes) actually packed a significant flavorful punch - a aromatic mix of basil and torch ginger with high quality essential olive oil and pinenuts. This became the strongest dish that afternoon. We were informed that the beef originated from free-variety cows; happily grazing in the areas (none of this grain-fed penned-in range). Evidently it did change lives because the burger had been lean, moist and do flavor 'sweeter' and meatier. In addition, it had an excellent beefy aroma. Other amazing items integrated the fluffiest pancakes - successful with the children. The main one dessert which we'd area for (lemon zest cheesecake) was most likely the only factor that didn't impress (or simply we were as well stuffed at that time to really appreciate it). We'd definitely be back again with more visitors to partake on a number of the bigger entrees. BTW, don't depart without having a few of their organic espresso - its amazing!

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  • Fitri Winarto


    Although the sign states opens until 9.30pm, they get last demand order from 8.30pm. Some patron who walked in at 8.35pm were turned away due to kitchen area closing. They gave me their costs at 8.44pm and i actually hadnt finished my major dish.

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  • Dinda Septian


    It is a casual and friendly little restaurant with a garden. Free parking. Had an excellent salad right now there and the espresso is good. My friend went for your day breakfast menu.

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  • Hanna Lee


    But no more open! No concept why it shut, but I returned from vacation and the sign have been used down and the complete place closed. A genuine shame because the coffee was the very best in KL.

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Haven Location

12 Jalan Ampang Hilir 4322, Kuala Lumpur 55000 Malaysia

Haven is located at 12 Jalan Ampang Hilir 4322, Kuala Lumpur 55000 Malaysia. This is a Vegetarian restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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