
Haru Japanese Restaurant


6 Reviews



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Business hours
  • Sunday: 12:00 - 14:30,18:00 - 20:15
  • Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:30,18:00 - 20:15
  • Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:30,18:00 - 20:15
  • Thursday: 12:00 - 14:30,18:00 - 20:15
  • Friday: 12:00 - 14:30,18:00 - 20:15
  • Saturday: 12:00 - 14:30,18:00 - 20:15

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Haru Japanese Restaurant Reviews


6 Reviews

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  • Titus Logo


    Have been likely to Haru for nearly 2 yrs now and really was surprised it is not reviewed on website. Search engines Haru cafe KL and one will see such wonderful testimonials that this will not seem possible. I actually was excited when We first discoveredthis eating place as now we are able to have top quality Japanese without entering the city. It really is situated in an upscale home section of Kuala Lumpur, simply from Bangsar. It is on the upper degree of a row of dual story shop homes, above a pub/cafe. Rise the narrow stairs and you may enter today's restaurant with an extended sushi counter. You can find two private areas by the home windows and some cosy tables. This is simply not a chain restaurant plus they serve top quality fish minus the price. The seafood is very fresh new and the sushi will be well made. Employees is friendly and efficient and the waitress has been here given that they opened 2 yrs ago.

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  • Murat Dogan Sahin


    Haru offers been my favourite Japanese eating place. Aside from dining with close friends, I move there for company meeting as well. There is a sushi counter where in fact the clients can sit around and observe the chef prepare the meals. The sashimi and sushi you can find freshand tasty, although portion perhaps a bit small. Set lunch is definitely served throughout the day with a few mix of main courses to pick from. Dinner will be à la carte. You can find 2 private areas catered for 8-10 pax each. Overall the meals and service is great and I would suggest this restaurant for several occasions.

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  • Adal Tunga


    I am selfishly keeping this location a secret for quite a while but I realise that I'd like them to accomplish well so they continue going! Being saved on the first flooring of the Jalan Kasah, Medan Dsara row of shoplots methods thereis very slim potential for stumbling across Haru unintentionally. I was brought right now there by a buddy who is a normal and i subsequently have been bringing good friends and associates. Purely out of this referral mechanism they are doing well because they offer great worth and a significant creative menu. Their lunch sets have become reasonable and offer an assortment that enables one to mix and complement. There are not many tables etc weekday lunchtimes I help you to publication a table. Additionally, there are 2 private areas and a sushi counter. I have not really been here for supper but We hear the omakase is among the best value around.

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  • özgür özel


    Myself and my gfs made a decision to have supper here , got to stroll up the stairs to the eating place as it's on the 1st floor store lot . Service was great and quick , tables were completely booked and we surely got to chair atthe sushi bar . Suggestions to make reservations because the restaurant is little . We had clean sashimi , sushi 🍣 and sake . We chit chatted and got a great time till the cafe close up around 10pm plus . Would come here once again for a soothing girls night .

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  • Çagatay Çalli


    4 stars prices but 1 star providers, i had supper in the restaurant purchase Sushi set supper. while i then found out there is a hair stay on a bit of Sushi. highlight this to the waiter, got them 10 mins to choose what to donext. i acquired a substitute on that one Sushi afterward. and they also claimed that has been a curly hair from the soy sauce brush.

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Haru Japanese Restaurant Location

Level 124A Jalan Kasah Medan Damansara, Kuala Lumpur 50490 Malaysia

Haru Japanese Restaurant is located at Level 124A Jalan Kasah Medan Damansara, Kuala Lumpur 50490 Malaysia. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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