
Fuddruckers Malaysia


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Fuddruckers Malaysia Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Michael Leang


    My experience here was so very bad that We made a website accounts so that I could leave this review. Support was abysmal, precisely what could possibly be watered down has been (drinks, sauces, also the soap in the toilet). They claimed to end up being out of many appetizers,but predicated on other reviews right here claiming they were from the same appetizers a few months ago, I suppose they just don't bring them. My burger arrived with a pathetic small slice of kraft American cheese rather than the cheese it had been supposed to possess on the menus, and just a little squirt of watery mayonnaise. I sent it back again. Girlfriend's Caesar salad arrived with soggy romaine lettuce and watered down mayonnaise as a dressing, and two slices of toasted breads instead of croutons. I'll assume that location is really a knock from the United states chain or something, no chance would the franchise formally endorse something this bad. Perform yourself a favor and steer clear of this place.

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  • Agung Kurniawan


    If it's not because my partner had purchased the offer from Groupon, we wouldn't have ended eating here. Their waitress had been ignorant specifically at their entry way; they didn't observed us walking to their outlet. Probably because we weren't beautiful. Their salad barwas disappointing; very little options and flies were just about everywhere. We wanted to attempt their steak but weren't accessible and had to stay for his or her burgers. The patties had been juicy nonetheless it wasn't great. Tastebuds are very subjective and we didn't enjoy our dinner there.

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  • Ali Vural


    Having highlighted in the Malaysian Push, I took the LRT & Monorail to Bunch 10 to get a sample of a BBQ Poultry Rosemary. The waiting period was about a quarter-hour however in the meantime I acquired a whale of a period at the saladbar & chit chatting to an employee who was simply pleasant & attentive. Actually, when I walked, I had been extremely cheefully greeted.The presentation of the BBQ Poultry was not the same as in the menus. When I experienced the initial poke at the poultry with the fork, it had been tough. I had to utilize my knife to lower it & the poultry was leathery.There is not much option for me when i dont take beef or lamb. The seafood got a variety of prawn & Dory seafood, that i dont quite fancy.

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  • Erkan Bayer


    I possibly could not believe there is a Fuddruckers in KL. Good burger and trimmings. We enjoyed it and considered going once again. Ran out of period, but will consume there again for lunch time when in KL quickly.

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  • Astrid Monika


    Met family inside KL and went there for a particular date. Had an extremely good time. Ice cool beer, good meals and great service. Great range on menus and quality foods for a good price. Went back again the next day.

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Fuddruckers Malaysia Location

Lot 10 Jalan Bintang Lot R1 & R2 , Annexe Block, Lot 10 Shopping Centre, Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur 50200 Malaysia

Fuddruckers Malaysia is located at Lot 10 Jalan Bintang Lot R1 & R2 , Annexe Block, Lot 10 Shopping Centre, Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur 50200 Malaysia. This is a America restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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