
Dubu Dubu Restaurant


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Dubu Dubu Restaurant Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Faruk Cengiz


    I've been several times in several outlets around Kuala Lumpur. I tried several dishes and probably the most I like are usually bibimbap, pajeon and spicy toppokki. One that I visited at One Utama and NU Sentral. The purchase price set can be affordableand I ate properly.

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  • Ayu Fitri Adiyanti


    It was my first-time exploring Korean food inside Malaysia. The restaurant known as Dubu Dubu is situated on the low Grown Ground of a RETAIL CENTER in Kuala Lumpur. It really is clean and nicely lighted. The seating is comparable like a fast-food United states restaurant. Atone part of the walls has 4 silver screen TV that presents music video clips of Korean performer. The meals was unique and uncommon. Nonetheless, the flavor was acceptable. It could had been better should they had licensed their food item as halal. I has been told could it be in process to obtain one. Support was prompt even though restaurant was full-home. Anyone who loves to explore Korean foods without likely to Korea, can check it out at Dubu Dubu eating place. Be ready for a surprise taste.

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  • İki Teker


    We went there to consume with my girlfriend, and halfway consuming there was a rock hidden in the rice, my girlfriend didn't realise what it had been and we heard a loud crack and she was in discomfort, upon spitting out bloodstream and saliva, we noticedthat you can find STONES in the meals!!!! My grilfriend broke her tooth and we'd to visit the dentist which price us a lot more money! Right after complaining to management, they actually told us to keep the eating place after settling the bill! Sending complaints after issues with no response, I've zero option but to only tell others never to visit this awful cafe. We weren't compensated, it's been weekly and dubuyo has yet to attain out to us. Dentist at Damansara 10/10 Dubuyo 0/10

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  • Sancho Panza.


    This restaurant was the initial Korean restaurant I've tried. It had been absolutely a great choice for starters! My option was a bibimbap also it was my 1st and preferred Korean dish. There is k pop tunes on tv also it was enjoyable while weenjoyed our good Korean food.

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  • Murat Ağ


    Had category of 4 eating, seated quickly as cafe was empty... Ordered arranged menu for 3-4 pax, which came very promptly. Adored the honey fried poultry wings, was really crispy and delicious with korean flavor... Some other set menu products was also great, with the roastedbarley consume ending the dinner on an excellent and refreshing note...

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Dubu Dubu Restaurant Location

Berjaya Times Square - Centre Commercial, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Dubu Dubu Restaurant is located at Berjaya Times Square - Centre Commercial, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a Korea restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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