


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Dotty's Location

Ground Floor, Lot G03J-K, Suria KLCC, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Dotty's is located at Ground Floor, Lot G03J-K, Suria KLCC, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a Kafe restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Dotty's is around RM 35 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Dotty's is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Dotty's that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Dotty's Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Buketyazicioglu0


    Potato salad with beef strings and cashew nuts has been this type of good combination last period I ended up buying it again. From the huge pastry choice I took a peanut butter cupcake with espresso for desert. The tiny terrace outside offers sights to the skyscrapersbordering the KLCC park.

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  • Mira Eka Kurniati


    Had egg benedict and several various other dishes with the fam there and everything is definitely soo great. Tried the glowing blue velvet cake too great. Definitely will come once again and can't await my next go to in Apr 2020.

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  • Elif Gunes


    We had an excellent coffee and a good breakfast at Dottys. Situated ten minutes to the "middle" KLCC lower floor. You can find outside places furthermore. Had an excellent tuna sandwich and the espresso was speciality excellent.

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  • Umut Ozbakan


    We had a family supper recently and we ordered a number of items. I'd say the must-haves will be the fish & chips (huge part), the smooth shell crab & salted egg pasta (so yummy), gentle shell crab burger (so yummy). What didn't meetup to targets were the skillet salmon (the seasoning was as well sour and spicy, not really ideal for the delicate seafood and the mash potatoes was packed with flour) and both steak sandwich and poultry olio was as well spicy (my nieces couldn't surface finish their plate). I would point out their desserts are delicious , must attempt their signature cronut.

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  • Foodranger!


    This occurred on the next February 2020, - i wrote an assessment and had accidentally posted it up at Dotty's TTDI branch. I came with several friends - a celebration of 5 individuals. My friend resulted in initial and requested for atable for 5. Rather than attempting to accomodate us, the waited sat us at the sofa seating that was SO Unpleasant for eating meals. We approached a waiter, and requested to be sat the the tables and also have 2 tables joined - but was rejected, stating that the tables have been reserved for celebrations of TWO. Therefore i joined my friends. IMAGINE MY ANGER, you should definitely 5 mins later, several 5 came, sat in the the same table We had nicely requested in order to be seated at previously. and exactly the same waiter just allowed them to take action. Not everyone involves Dotty's to simply have your cronut and a sit down elsewhere. It ended up being such an uncomfortable encounter consuming at the sofa - I was so perturbed because I had close friends there, to whom I experienced raved about how exactly great the area was. yes - the truth that I'm writing this review inside June just exhibits how disappointed I'm with the incident.

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