


4 Reviews



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Dominos Location

Plaza Damansara, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Dominos is located at Plaza Damansara, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a Fast Food restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Dominos is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Dominos is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Dominos that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 1-300-88-8333.

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Dominos Reviews


4 Reviews

  • Emily Lawsen


    Visited dominos bangsar on 8th to get the special offer in the non-public pizza as shown on the web, the manager informed - zero such offer - when We told him I found the offer on the internet. He decided to give me the offer Sent our friendtoday to find the special offer Staff informed - no present and charged a high price Dominos running some fraud by advertising special deals and then charging a high price?

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  • Henny S Mariani Sinaga


    Went to friends location. Called Domino and purchased two normal pizzas for home shipping on Fri 6th October. Around 7.20 pm. Had been told that pizzas will be delivered 8.50!! Nothing at all happened, called once again and was informed it could take an additional half an hour. Nothing at all happenedand I called once again. Apologies. Had to hold back an other 20 a few minutes I was informed. I acquired angry and informed them that it had been unacceptable. We had been three senior citizens ready 150 minutes. We asked them to cancel our purchase since it was getting very later. Took the automobile back. Visited bed. No supper. This is simply not good enough DOMINO. Flemming Wich, Taman Duta.

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  • Sevde


    Pizza wasn't at poor but waiting nearly 2 hours is. At that time I really was tired and covered the meal. Being unsure of they messed the purchase up. Give us extra things which we didn't purchase and in addition made me shell out the dough. Wouldn'trecommend

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  • O Caner Alkan


    Dominos delivery inside Petaling Jaya gets the worst assistance where orders are location and they mention one hour for shipping but after two hrs still no indication. Called them once again and than they mentioned will undoubtedly be deliver d in ten minutes. All these will be dueto their lazy program counter when contact. They don't understand simple English rather than obtain the order right. Most severe case is they place you on keep and than repeat exactly the same stupid queries as they mention purchase on hold and also have to start over. The service on the phone requirements a large amount of improvement and the personnel taking orders Should be able to understand and become more attentive. Too treatment free attitude. Extremely disappointing and their delivery outlet is merely 500m away.

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