
Dome Cafe


6 Reviews



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Dome Cafe Reviews


6 Reviews

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  • Katy


    This specific outlet at KLCC is very much indeed a delightful spot to frequent through the evening because of the fact that it's situated just with the symphony fountain of KLCC recreation area. You can sit at the al fresco section and revel in the symphony fountain at the comfort of DOME's drink and food. But for those who prefer a peaceful area to converse i quickly would suggest one to shift in for a far more peaceful setting. I really do think they assist good food but We discover their coffee a little underwhelming as my last connection with their flat white is sub-par. Their Espreski and shakes are usually better bets.

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  • Viliasio Sirait


    Dome is really a cafe with several outlets across KL, including KLCC, KLIA 2 among others. The menu supplies a few great western options such as for example pancakes and eggs on toast for breakfast. They will have also an excellent selection for lunch, which includes lasagnas, nasi lemak and burgers. The service is generally quite good (at the very least in the outlets I got the opportunity visit). All of the outlets I have already been to were properly decorated and quite pleasurable, with seating choices inside and out. They deliver through Foodpanda, though with a far more limited menu.

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  • Orisa Shinta


    Horrible service. Terrible meals. Never again. I may't even commence to explain what occurred. We were offered half empty plates. With empty condiment saucers. I can't actually. What occurred to Done?

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  • Aye Karel


    Dome is really a cafe with several outlets across KL, including KLCC, KLIA 2 among others. The menu supplies a few great western options such as for example pancakes and eggs on toast for breakfast. They will have also an excellent selection for lunch, which includes lasagnas, nasi lemak and burgers. The service is generally quite good (at the very least in the outlets I got the opportunity visit). All of the outlets I have already been to were properly decorated and quite pleasurable, with seating choices inside and out. They deliver through website, though with a far more limited menu.

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  • Shamira Chemi Alfarius


    This specific outlet at KLCC is very much indeed a delightful spot to frequent through the evening because of the fact that it's situated just with the symphony fountain of KLCC recreation area. You can sit at the al fresco section and revel in the symphony fountain at the comfort of DOME's drink and food. But for those who prefer a peaceful area to converse i quickly would suggest one to shift in for a far more peaceful setting. I really do think they assist good food but We discover their coffee a little underwhelming as my last connection with their flat white is sub-par. Their Espreski and shakes are usually better bets.

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Dome Cafe Location

Lot 46, Ground Floor, Suria KLCC 50088 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

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  • Loud
  • Good for Groups
  • Table Service

Dome Cafe is located at Lot 46, Ground Floor, Suria KLCC 50088 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a Fast Food restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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