
Crumb Cravings


3 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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Crumb Cravings Location

Damansara Kim Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur

Crumb Cravings is located at Damansara Kim Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. This is a Dessert restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Crumb Cravings is around RM 10 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Crumb Cravings is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Crumb Cravings that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +601111564123.

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Crumb Cravings Reviews


3 Reviews

  • Raihany Dinda Fahira


    I love lasagnas just as much as garfield loves lasagnas! An excellent lasagna consists of great cheese and a meaty filling. I ran across Crumb Cravings at a bazaar lately and experienced their beef lasagna also it had been the bomb!!! The cheese was soo creamy also it was really meaty that was exactly how i love it. Besides their lasagna,in addition they make yummy small creme brulees that is to die for! Few make great creme brulees! They furthermore make small frozen lasagnas so that you can appreciate them at the convenience of your house! OH MY LORD!! It is possible to find Crumb Cravings for the most part food festivals or furthermore speak to them via facebook. Crumb Cravings also offers catering services for the parties! Now now..great food is perfect for sharing! Therefore HIRE them! LOL.. You guests will certainly leave with a joyful tummy!

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  • Make Eat Happen


    It looks like Crumb Cravings is well-known for their lasagne. Contrary to popular belief, I've in no way tried their Lasagne however the meals that produced me a enthusiast of theirs has been their nasi lemak. I ran across Crumb Cravings over a Sunday outing at Jaya One, and found a friendly woman selling nasi lemak. It is rather easy to place the stall - helpful Malay woman in pink t-clothing and the title of the stall can be pink in color. To opt for the nasi lemak, they will have curry poultry, rendang and sambal sotong. I've tried both curry poultry and rendang, and both had been equally good. The meats had been tender and the gravy has been flavourful. Don't get worried if you cannot take spicy food as the spiciness is quite mild. My mother has super reduced tolerance in spicy foods, but the types at Crum Cravings had been just nice on her behalf. The pricing was sensible too. You could have a decent part of rice, with your selection of either curry, rendang or sambal and half of a egg - each one of these much less than RM8. You will find Crumb Cravings generally in most of the bazaar or marketplace such Publika or Sunlight Day trip at Jaya One. They don't have a shop right now, but do feel absolve to contact them for just about any catering services.

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  • Jetro Aditya


    Oh gosh, i desire if only that they had a store i'd buy and purchase and buy the well-known lasagna! I first fulfilled crumb cravings during foods fest in Publika and she mentioned easily wanted to try therefore i do and the creamy potato with cheese had been so good but i simply had to get it! A little lasagna just great for snack, the creamy consistency of potato and cheese, the meats and everything it simply melts in mouth also to have a different one. The creme brulee though, had not been that nice because they didn't really burn the glucose at the top untill it will become brown also it was too lovely for me personally. They do create orders for catering and activities, the lasagna is ESSENTIAL TO ORDER!

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Crumb Cravings Menu

  • crème brûlée


  • meat




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