
Cozy Corner


8 Reviews



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Cozy Corner Reviews


8 Reviews

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  • Daud Ridwan Lumban Tobing


    Cozy corner is really a restaurant that serves a variety of regional favourites and western styled dishes. It includes a modest placing, with booths for the comfort and marbled desk and chairs. The area reminds you somewhat of the olden times.It has wholesome experience to it, I assume that's where in fact the name came from. I actually tried their fried Egg Prawn, Beef in Soy Sauce and Squid, fried with flour, as well as steamy, fluffy light rice. The laundry on my desk were visually spectacular and tasted better still. The proportion will do to feed a whole family, so make sure to ration your food relating to your stomach capability. For desert, it is possible to enjoy nearby favourites such as for example; Cendol and ABC or if you'd end up being prefer a normal old banana split. The pure variety of meals in the menu will do to truly get you in. But program your time well because the place gets actually cramped up during lunch time and dinner. Overall, cozy corner lives around its title. A cozy eating place that provides great portions of meals. I'm not particularly the enthusiast of the service rate here. You do need to wait a lot for your order .

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  • Nico Erlangga


    The cozy house food is actually simple but oh.thus.delicious! The store is in Good Eastern Mall, on Jalan Ampang. The direction they serve it really is simple. Their well-known dish may be the Hainanese Poultry rice, that is one of the state of the art dishes. There is also other meals on the menus like Chicken chop, poultry curry (light style), seafood and chips, kuey teows...maybe a fusion of western and Asian. It will always be loaded during lunchtime. If Im around city and also have lost all concepts on where you can eat - I simply come right here. It has equipment of what you'd probably want.

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  • Windy Rizqi


    Cozy Corner is without a doubt my head to restaurant when We don't really know very well what to eat. That is always an ideal place for nearby favorites. They assist western food as well but we've not tried it. I usually have got the fried rice, fried noodles or meals. All the food right here is excellent, the cafe is owned and operate by a Chinese loved ones but its halal and contains many malay patrons which are regulars. They will have another branch at Great Easter Mall too called Cozy House, that is similarly good and owned by the brother in law. Prices listed below are quite sensible and i discover the food very worthwhile as portions are huge and just about any fried noodle or rice dish is certainly topped with a yummy fried egg! Whoever has not tried the meals here should definitely give it a try.

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  • Ekodimus


    Good quality regional dishes (malay and Chinese design) This place 's been around so long as i could remember and the grade of the food has preserved its perfection. Few places are capable of doing so. The prices have become reasonable and the portions are excellent. My usuals will be buttered chicken, dark pepper beef, nice and sour seafood fillet , golden poultry rice or the crispy yee mee. And i've never been disappointed. I will suggest that you contact in advance for reservations since it gets filled up constantly for lunch time especially on weekdays. The employees have become friendly and attentive that is an A+ when eating out, yes? Oh when you have been right here before actually noticed on what all their waiters are females? Probably thats why support is indeed good! (LOL,joking) However, not about any of it being all women waitresses! Food may take just a little much longer than usual sometimes but only when the area is crowded. You might avoid that by contacting in first to put your meal orders and by enough time you obtain there it'll prepare yourself. They do consider aways as well. Great stuff! Parking on GE Mall could be a nuisance upon weekdays so show patience, the food you're about to have can make it worth whilst! Parking fees is excellent only RM 1 each hour on weekday. Yay!

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  • Myza Elisya


    The cozy house food is actually simple but oh.thus.delicious! The store is in Good Eastern Mall, on Jalan Ampang. The direction they serve it really is simple. Their well-known dish may be the Hainanese Poultry rice, that is one of the state of the art dishes. There is also other meals on the menus like Chicken chop, poultry curry (light style), seafood and chips, kuey teows...maybe a fusion of western and Asian. It will always be loaded during lunchtime. If Im around city and also have lost all concepts on where you can eat - I simply come right here. It has equipment of what you'd probably want.

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Cozy Corner Location

184, Jalan Ampang 1st Floor, Ampang Park Shopping Centre 50450 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Cozy Corner is located at 184, Jalan Ampang 1st Floor, Ampang Park Shopping Centre 50450 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a America restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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