
Concubine KL


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Concubine KL Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Felia Florencia


    This bar is an excellent find. After travelling Jalan Petaling we halted off for a cocktail. There's some fantastic street artwork to have a look at whilst visiting, We recommend looking at this bar / cafe out.

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  • Iin Sri Angraeni


    Located in the Kwai Chai Hong associated with Kuala Lumpur Chinatown. The inside decoration will be tasteful with reddish colored lanterns and impressive murals on the walls. Beautiful portraits of advanced ladies. The place appears flirtatious and funky. We attempted the charred lettuce and the keropok nachos. Ourdrink had been Yuzu spritz

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  • Asindyutami


    Thoroughly enjoyed the meals and drinks within this small cosy bistro pub situated in an extremely cute private back again lane. Essential try for travellers.

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  • Leny Elenia


    We were recommended this bar whilst going for walks past on a road trip and popped in afterwards for two drinks. The inside decoration will be tasteful with reddish lanterns and impressive murals on the walls. We enjoyed the songs and the cocktails had been tasty, wesampled several! We sat outside on the balcony, though it was very comfortable. I has been perched on a little stool so not probably the most comfortable, nonetheless it was hectic and all of the comfier seats were taken. Bar staff are pleasant and helpful, offering glasses of drinking water accompany the cocktails to help keep us hydrated without us all needing to ask. We even fulfilled a server from near where we resided in England! We especially loved the road art inside the lovely alleyway behind the bar. This is a beautiful small area filled with amazing street artwork and we obtained some fantastic photos.

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  • Dini Ayunita Pratiwi


    I came in July 2 with close friends to celebrate the friend’s birthday at 8:15. Because we had been several 12, the area asked if we're able to order some days beforehand, which we gladly do. The two celebrities I give this location are merelybecause they function and replenish the drinking water on a timely way, and as the taste of the meals is good. On the negative side (very negative) the cafe took literally one hour to start out serving our food, even though we'd preorder it. In the initial 50 moments came the initial burguer, and we didn't get our full purchase fulfilled until one hour and quarter-hour later. Distasteful to state minimal. The worst component was however yet ahead: the meals that came had like restricted sizes that it had been ridiculous. We purchased an exceptionally overprized burguer (RM32) because we believed that it could suffice for a lighting dinner. Well, it is possible to tell from the image that the burguer had been no more than it gets, not how big is a RM4 McDonalds burguer. Unacceptable, check out the picture, where in fact the burger will be but slightly larger than a table inexpensive candle (RM32 in Kuala Lumpur is really a relevant sum for just one dish). And to place the cherry at the top, my buddy ordered exactly the same and she obtained a patty that has been half of mine, I'm pretty confident she'll put a negative overview of her own. Not much I possibly could say, I won’t keep coming back and lesson learned. I simply hope that nobody else gets this type of disappointment, if you would like late, extremely expensive foods for supper, this place will meet up with your expectations.

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Concubine KL Location

Lorong Panggung Lot 2, Kuala Lumpur 50000 Malaysia

Concubine KL is located at Lorong Panggung Lot 2, Kuala Lumpur 50000 Malaysia. This is a Integration restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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