
Chin Kee Pan Mee


6 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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  • Sunday: 10:00 - 14:30
  • Monday: 10:00 - 14:30
  • Tuesday: 10:00 - 14:30
  • Wednesday: 10:00 - 14:30
  • Thursday: 10:00 - 14:30
  • Friday: 10:00 - 14:30
  • Saturday: 10:00 - 14:30

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Chin Kee Pan Mee Reviews


6 Reviews

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  • Katherine Tan


    Chin Kee Pan Mee is situated Ground Flooring, Wisma Cosway . Straight forward (Entrance), close by the escalator then switch to your right. (A large part eating place). Chin kee Pan mee acts impeccable Pan Mee not forgetting their incredible huge part. They will have 6 options on the menu- Dry out Pan Mee, Curry Pan Mee, "Ma lat" Pan mee,Pan mee soup , Tomyam Pan mee and probably the most remarkable of most, Spicy dried out Pan mee. I actually was impressed, their stall may seems compacted rather than appealing however, occurs with breathtaking food. Individually, I prefer Spicy Dry out Pan mee, it's piquant and intensely yummy! I love like their anchovies (crispy and crunchy) and when you're someone that likes spice, far better take their Spicy dried out Pan mee or "Ma Lat" Pan Mee Noodle. Be worried about their price? Fear Not really, Extremely cheap and inexpensive. RM 6 for little, RM 7 for large (applies on every Pan Mee Noodle). For those who have not try out this Pan mee? you should.I never idea a Pan Mee noodle could possibly be so mouth-watering, if you need to bear the waiting specifically during peak hours (12-2).

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  • özgür özlü


    Pan Mee is really a famous invest Wisma Cosway since it is inexpensive and the part is huge!!! Limited to RM5.50 you may get a plate of big part noodles. Nevertheless, you can't expect an excessive amount of from the noodle. The flavor is merely average and it will surely make you full. With that said, this place is normally full during lunch hrs (12 noon to 2 pm), otherwise there isn't many people around. How come that so? Simple since it will be another hawker like noodles and once again, it isn't as delicious as you obtain elsewhere. In case you are hungry and is tight on spending budget, you need to come here.

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  • Tamara Ana Gunawan


    That is probably my go-to place with regards to lunch while I'm assigned to the nearby workplace, Menara Dion for the work assignment (a couple of months). I was released to the place by my co-workers as Wisma Cosway is among the office buildings nearby which has numerous dining places that suits the working group in your community (slightly more budget foods in comparison with places like Pavilion that is also nearby). Among the reasons I want concerning this restaurant is they specialised inside noodles namely pan mee (We'm the noodle enthusiast). The have a variety of pan mee variants to choose from such as for example dry/soup/curry, thick/slim pan mee and so forth (ideal for picky eaters like me). Their prices might not be extremely inexpensive but at RM6-7 per bowl is known as affordable in the center of Kuala Lumpur. On the grade of their foods, it's generally common when it comes to taste and part (you may't complain an excessive amount of considering it's pretty priced). Besides that, their degree of cleanliness is known as slightly above average that is good thinking of their location. If We'm still employed in this area, I'd consider approaching again to the place for lunch.

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  • Victor Susantyo


    Chin Kee Pan Mee is situated Ground Flooring, Wisma Cosway . Straight forward (Entrance), close by the escalator then switch to your right. (A large part eating place). Chin kee Pan mee acts impeccable Pan Mee not forgetting their incredible huge part. They will have 6 options on the menu- Dry out Pan Mee, Curry Pan Mee, "Ma lat" Pan mee,Pan mee soup , Tomyam Pan mee and probably the most remarkable of most, Spicy dried out Pan mee. I actually was impressed, their stall may seems compacted rather than appealing however, occurs with breathtaking food. Individually, I prefer Spicy Dry out Pan mee, it's piquant and intensely yummy! I love like their anchovies (crispy and crunchy) and when you're someone that likes spice, far better take their Spicy dried out Pan mee or "Ma Lat" Pan Mee Noodle. Be worried about their price? Fear Not really, Extremely cheap and inexpensive. RM 6 for little, RM 7 for large (applies on every Pan Mee Noodle). For those who have not try out this Pan mee? you should.I never idea a Pan Mee noodle could possibly be so mouth-watering, if you need to bear the waiting specifically during peak hours (12-2).

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  • Daniswari Gita Purbasari


    Pan Mee is really a famous invest Wisma Cosway since it is inexpensive and the part is huge!!! Limited to RM5.50 you may get a plate of big part noodles. Nevertheless, you can't expect an excessive amount of from the noodle. The flavor is merely average and it will surely make you full. With that said, this place is normally full during lunch hrs (12 noon to 2 pm), otherwise there isn't many people around. How come that so? Simple since it will be another hawker like noodles and once again, it isn't as delicious as you obtain elsewhere. In case you are hungry and is tight on spending budget, you need to come here.

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Chin Kee Pan Mee Location

88 Jalan Raja Chulan Ground Floor, Wisma Cosway 50450 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

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Chin Kee Pan Mee is located at 88 Jalan Raja Chulan Ground Floor, Wisma Cosway 50450 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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