
Albashabukit bintang


8 Reviews



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Albashabukit bintang Reviews


8 Reviews

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  • Kamal Aliff


    My friend and We were craving some older school kebabs which place was the initial one particular we found with the traditional meat in rotating sticks outdoors. We decided to consume within the restaurant. Upon entry, the area was decently decorated, large, but onlyabout 2 tables occupied. The waiter seemed extremely indifferent with this presence, and bored with any questions we'd with concerning the items within the menus. When the meals emerged, the appetiser of humus had been served following the main course, that is not just a huge deal however the begin of a unpredictable manner. The shawarma was a beef wrap, it had been highly salty and tasted just a little burnt. We presumed this is a one off as well as perhaps our shared primary of a meats platter will be better. How incorrect we were. With our extremely jolly waiter plopping our major course down up for grabs, without so significantly as a grunt, we found quite an atrocious sight. The French fries had been scattered all around the meats like seasoning, in addition they tasted like quite undercooked potato, a negative start. Considering the meats underneath, both pitta and the meats on the bone, had been burnt to a sharp. Hopefully you can view these in the pictures uploaded. The flavor was needlessly to say, if not worse compared to the look, and we promptly quit after consuming half and hastily produced our way to an excellent old street foods stall.

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  • Julia Dani


    Smelly oil, stale foods. Cold meats. I did so the biggest mistake ahead here. Wish, i dont fall unwell. Please dont waste materials your cash and meal

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  • Liasya Hazey


    Came here yesterday evening with a pal. Ordered poultry and and rice and requested for a breast item but told there is none. Then my close friends dish arrived with a breast item and the waitress laughed. I dont believe it had been her fault. Shewas actually friendly. My peice of poultry was really small but yummy. The rice has been also yum. I got a cappuccino that i really enjoyed. Overall price inc pepsi was 28rm. The area is properly decorated and atmosphere conditioned. Its not incredible nonetheless it was good enough.

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  • Aimi Nursyameem


    Ok to opt for the household. Cleanliness ok. Food great however, not great. Large part with fairly tasteful but really oily. Meat and poultry very fatty. Average program where it is finished with indifference towards the client. Well, overall the average rating.

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  • Marsya


    Nice shawrma however, not perfect quite friendly staff very easy nice location but we come across expensive for that service

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Albashabukit bintang Location

Off Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur 50200 Malaysia

Albashabukit bintang is located at Off Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur 50200 Malaysia. This is a Mediterranean restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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