
126 Yong Tau Fu


2 Reviews



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126 Yong Tau Fu Reviews


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  • Marion Mikhael Uy


    Enjoy love love the Yong Tau Fu here! The vegetables and seafood paste are clean and tasty. The dimension is quite large too. Each one of these plus points replace a tummy rubbing fulfilling food (Y). 126 Yong Tau Fu serves rice along with other dishes as well. I highly recommend one to attempt the sambal petai right here. It's so excellent because they are really generous with the petai and dried prawns. Another dish to purchase is certainly their clay pot kampung poultry. I think the poultry will be steamed and stewed in a clay pot offered with chili, and the poultry 'juice' will be salty which goes effectively with rice. Furthermore, they serve braised dark sauce trotters and sting gray/seafood curry which are usually pretty tasty as well. It's worthy of eating in groups as you can order a lot more dishes. It expenses around RM20 per head that i must say is fair for meals with meats, seafood and vegetables. To get here, consider Sungai Mas Plaza, have a left turn (9 o'clock) with the roundabout if you're travelling from Selayang. 126 Yong a Tau Fu is really a stall by the roadside dealing with a row of stores.

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  • Ayu Astrellita Claproth


    Enjoy love love the Yong Tau Fu here! The vegetables and seafood paste are clean and tasty. The dimension is quite large too. Each one of these plus points replace a tummy rubbing fulfilling food (Y). 126 Yong Tau Fu serves rice along with other dishes as well. I highly recommend one to attempt the sambal petai right here. It's so excellent because they are really generous with the petai and dried prawns. Another dish to purchase is certainly their clay pot kampung poultry. I think the poultry will be steamed and stewed in a clay pot offered with chili, and the poultry 'juice' will be salty which goes effectively with rice. Furthermore, they serve braised dark sauce trotters and sting gray/seafood curry which are usually pretty tasty as well. It's worthy of eating in groups as you can order a lot more dishes. It expenses around RM20 per head that i must say is fair for meals with meats, seafood and vegetables. To get here, consider Sungai Mas Plaza, have a left turn (9 o'clock) with the roundabout if you're travelling from Selayang. 126 Yong a Tau Fu is really a stall by the roadside dealing with a row of stores.

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126 Yong Tau Fu Location

Jalan Ipoh Batu 5 51200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

126 Yong Tau Fu is located at Jalan Ipoh Batu 5 51200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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