
Station One


3 Reviews



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Station One Location

Lorong Suria, Kota Kinabalu 88300 Malaysia

Station One is located at Lorong Suria, Kota Kinabalu 88300 Malaysia. This is a International restaurant near the Kota Kinabalu.The average price range at Station One is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Station One is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kota Kinabalu area. There are different kinds of food in Station One that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Station One Reviews


3 Reviews

  • Nasyita Rafa


    Dined at the eating place last week with my children and ordered 2 meals from the menus. The list of meals and the illustration proven on the menu really was appertizing and quite appealing particularly when one is starving. The ambience was great and the availabilityof the web made it a lot more appealing to dine there. Nevertheless, the meals arrived was definately not appetizing and gosh, the flavor was awful. I purchased poultry chop with rice. The sauce has been tasting wierd, the rice had been sticky and the dimension and the display of the chicken has been unappealing. I ate the poultry nevertheless due to food cravings but remaining the rice and its own condiments behind. Ordered chicken nuggets also it tasted horrible aswell. Despite being served warm on a helping basket, it tasted sourish.Not merely using one nugget but just about all 6 of these! Couldnt comprehend the reason for that, so we still left it unfinished.regretted buying it. Hubby hated his meal as well.his touch upon his consume was. "tasted like water" General, definitely wouldnt recommend one to dine there simply because its not at all worth the money!

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  • Rian PA


    Service was slow. Meals came late. I purchased the creamy spaghetti also it had been bland. Like actually bland. I got to require salt. And what are you aware, that as well was delivered late. Many thanks for that.

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  • Elif Kuyucu


    I don't think the employees at station One experienced any teaching on how to function in the F&B industry. Whenever we walked in these were all too occupied on the phones and speaking with one another to acknowledge us whenever we arrived and seemedreluctant to also serve us. The meals was substandard, with many meals marked NA on the menus. There are so a great many other choices i wouldn't bother attempting station One. Pop nearby to Secret Recipe in fact it is 100% better.

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