
Kak Syah restaurant


6 Reviews



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Kak Syah restaurant Reviews


6 Reviews

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  • Cicilia


    I hate to create bad review but that one We felt compelled to create to ensure others don’t make exactly the same mistake. We had ordered Ikan Bakar Penyet and after abt 15 mins the waitress came and inform me it isn't available. Okayso provider is obviously not effective but I m on christmas so it’s alright. I mentioned Ayam Penyet then. When it came, it isn't ayam Penyet. Penyet methods to smash and I understand what it is when i have consumed Penyet in hawker stalls in Singapore, KL, Indonesia which cost half or significantly less than what this place cost. That is plain fried poultry. WHEN I told them easily wanted plain fried poultry I would have attended KFC or Borenos or the kiosks right beyond your restaurant. She stated in kak Syah , ‘Penyet’ means simply the spice. I QUICKLY showed her the photograph in the menus. I said it certainly is certainly smashed with those fried bits at the top. There is no fried bits at all with this poor poultry. She did provide to switch it for another thing after I said I'm not wasting my calorie consumption on a thing that is oily rather than what I wanted also it has been their signature dish, but I had consumed the veg (because I had been hungry also it took permanently for the poultry to reach) and the consume and both tasted 2 out of 5, therefore i said let’s simply take away. At night when We reheat the poultry w other poultry leftover, my children who didn’t know abt this incidence commented that the poultry I brought house tasted rancid. I didn’t eat the poultry or with them if they had their supper so no chance was their comments impact by me. To Kak Syah-please buck upward. Based on the staff you truly do exist. THEREFORE I hope you take notice. Your restaurant was very empty when I get into so when i left as the remaining other restaurants were very full. And with each one of these remarks in website, something should be wrong.

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  • Annisa Rahma


    A place for nearby delicacies like nasi lemak, curry noodles and so on - popular w tourists plus some locals. Unfortunately, individually the rendang tok didn't impress. Place will be brightly lighted w faux orchids and wooden decoration for a kampung home feel. Can't complainabout support. Perhaps other meals fare better?

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  • Bagus Prihardian


    First off i want to start by stating that whenever I visited KK, Kak Syah came strongly suggested simply by my sister and brother within law. The mee goreng kampung has been my preferred. Everything went properly until my recent go to there. My sister, my nephew, my nieceand We entered the restaurant also it was very packed. Its the vacation season so that you can imagine how active all of the restaurants will be. Our table of preference was chaos, from previous customers needless to say.I actually had to ask the waitress to completely clean the desk and the chairs when i could see oily tiny finger marks and just a little food occasionally left by the prior customers. To my shock she used a filthy towel to clean the desk and seats and smothered essential oil all around the seats and simply left...thinking its alright and that her work was completed. I pulled out my wet wipes, and sanitizer to completely clean the chair and table. What's amusing is, rather than helping the waitress simply stood there and stare. I really do not observe how she could why don't we simply sit down and dine in various other peoples leftovers. Its filthy! Please lah, we've kids as well and cleanliness is essential in a restaurant. Shifting, we got our foods orders. We ordered 2 mee goreng kampung and 2 sirap bandung to end up being exact. Which was tasty! we were so pleased to begin filling our starving bellies until my sister discovered 2 strands of curly hair in her noodles. It actually put us away from. We didn't complete our meals. We complained plus they didn't cost us for just one of the noodles. To believe we had been feeding the youngsters with that and their tummies tend to be more delicate than ours. That is unacceptable. It had been absolutely disappointing since it was my preferred spot to eat. Food really was great. Well it isn't the finish of the world..I am hoping they enforce an effective SOP for foods and beverage managing and also focus on their cleanliness.

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  • Tubagus Fuad


    Went days back with friends . Purchased Nasi Ayam Penyet , Nasi Goreng Kampung , Sambal Belacan Kangkung , Roti Kawin , milo tabur , mineral water ( 500ml) and cordial beverages . Ambient is fine and incredibly modern , menu looks therefore appetizing andinteresting with real picture . The part is small and incredibly simple . Nasi ayam penyet contain rice , fry poultry , and 3 slice of cucumber only ( Sooo unfortunate...) . Nasi goreng portion little with only 5-7 scoop of spoon , cool chicken wings and 5 bits of slice egg sambal . Overall bill is RM67.90 and really sooo sad.....Won't go to the shop or brand name anymore . Korean restaurant close to it a lot more worthly to presenting with big part and has taste .

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  • Gilang Nurul Diniyah


    The menu appears so tasty. Service very poor. The mango juice mentioned 100%, But not at all!! The ayam penyat Coz RM15.90 But u will get nicer, cheaper in additional restaurant. Just one little bit of small drumstick that was not really tally with the menus... 2 ayampenyat, one sayur manis (which arrived 20 mins previously the our ayam penyat) once the rice emerged, the vege currently cold!!! I will check the evaluation before stroll in.... my mistake!

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Kak Syah restaurant Location

B-46/47, Basement Floor Imago Shopping Mall KK Times Square, Phase 2, Kota Kinabalu 88100 Malaysia

Kak Syah restaurant is located at B-46/47, Basement Floor Imago Shopping Mall KK Times Square, Phase 2, Kota Kinabalu 88100 Malaysia. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Kota Kinabalu. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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