
Cheese U Bistro & Dessert


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Cheese U Bistro & Dessert Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Zieco Chiuman


    It is a bistro and dessert cafe. Serve delicious types of cheese cakes and western fare. There is also asian meals and seasonal particular menus. Foods: Caesar Salad tasted fresh with beef bacon bits, eggs and croutons. Duck comfit dish is unique since it isnot available somewhere else - tender and delicious. We've furthermore like their pasta and sandwiches. The best cake for all of us is the NY cheese cake. Cheese cake with a thin level of strawberry covering. Melt in the mouth area with the right mix of sweetness and softness. There is also other excellent desserts like waffles and affagato. Service: good assistance from all staffs, especially Kumar. He could be a reduce above others, very attentive and hot. Always accommodating our specific requests to the meals! Place: Cosy and ideal amount of brightness. Price: Reasonable - much like most family restaurants want Swenson. Once you visit this quaint city of Kluang, fall into Cheese U for dessert. This eating place is usually near a mall, Kluang Parade.

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  • Lim Jia Xin


    Excellent environment. Employees provides great services. Meals are stunning, great location for lunch, tea split.

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  • Hariniabi


    Discovered the area while generating around and buying spot with wifi and just what a place this proved to be- awesome selection upon the Menu and also better food, when this arrived, myself and my partner ordered the Dori Fish, Pasta and TomatoSoup, everything was basically and superbly fantabulous. The Chocolate Pastry and the Creme Brûlée had been among the finest we've tasted. The costs were quite sensible for the fare, ambience and providers provided- we payed a complete of RM 48 for several of the above which includes a lychee iced lemon tea which my partner had. The portions had been sumptuous and the display including the dishes these were served in has been amazing. Total marks to the helpful and always prepared to help staff. Strongly suggest this spot to anyone searching to chill out and also have some amazing foods as well.

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  • Vidya


    Proceeded to go there for cakes with Moroccan mint tea. The Oreo cheese cake is really a bit lovely whereas the lapis of Java isn't soft enough.

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  • Rachma Hermawati


    It is situated on Rui Yuan inside Kluang in fact it is located in a corner where it really is highly visible and you can find ample carpark lot. The meals selection on the menu is most western n Italian. We ordered the pizza, steak and dessert. Ina small town of Kluang, this cafe is really a great choice if u want the right food and wonderful ambience. Recommend to all or any my readers going to Kluang.

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Cheese U Bistro & Dessert Location

36 & 38 Jalan Manggis, Kluang 86000 Malaysia

Cheese U Bistro & Dessert is located at 36 & 38 Jalan Manggis, Kluang 86000 Malaysia. This is a Kafe restaurant near the Kluang. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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