
Mai Cafe Herbal Kopitiam


7 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Mai Cafe Herbal Kopitiam Reviews


7 Reviews

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  • Mete.sayici


    The service is fast, price is reasonable, and the taste is outstanding! I really like omelette, fried rice, mushroom soup, and oblong. The big-size drink can be the very best. Go there if you are really starving, worth every penny.

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  • Dewi N


    I've go this cafe for a couple times. Since they serve the least expensive and tastiest up to now I came across around Kangar.

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  • Mehmet Pervez


    food flavor fresh and fine especially the grilled poultry and the mushroom soup. cozy place with fair price. but i cannot stand the mosquito

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  • Nadia Pusparani


    Visited 11 May 2015 , it is a wonderful cozy joint . Car parking is ample beyond your Café . Please notice that is operated by way of a Malay and halal foods is served right here . I was at 8 pm for supper and founda desk and I think they will have good enough tables to go circular even during weekends . Fast services from the waiters . Ordered a Grilled Poultry at RM 13.00 , Ice Kacang Normal at RM 7.50 and Lekor Fish Fingertips at RM 3.00 . The initial food was fast to serve , five minutes . All that I purchased tasted excellent , fresh and juicy . I actually liked the Grilled Poultry as it was relatively refreshing they had environment friendly leafy veggies and their Dark Pepper sauce that was not as well spicy but perfectly ! The Ice Kacang has been a Volcano with plenty of Ice Shavings , milk which tasted refreshing and a complete bowl of ingredients that i think that everything you pay is everything you obtain ! The Lekor Seafood Fingers being truly a finger food to begin came simply off the wok and you will have the heat locked in . Overall I'd give this place the double thumbs up ! The bill came around RM 25.45 total Please beware though - use long sleeves and long jeans here because the Mosquitoes are extremely willing to offer you more a bite !

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  • Spoonfulofsugar


    Serving since April 2008, it had been previously referred to as Mai Cafe Organic Western Kopitiam. I've visited for like three times, during daytime so when after sunset. Make an effort to stop by around 8pm that is the perfect second in my opinion, because the wonderful decorativelights will light your disposition, reflected by the old-school style wood flooring and furnitures. The lip-smacking food may also arrived faster for this moment; like five minutes for our ordered poultry chops, and grilled hens, or their mouth-watering mushroom soups. While savouring the food, our desserts came followed shortly - the banana split with coleslaws and much more! Furthermore, you can find Malaysian Favour menu as well; like Nasi Goreng (any common country name purchase) like Nasi Goreng United states, Kampung, and "teh tarik" drink. In order to avoid mosquitoes problem, go to this restaurant/cafe through the right period like not really in rainy period or with proper care of your body ~.~ Oh and finally, the price here's really reasonable, and will be quite economic.

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Mai Cafe Herbal Kopitiam Location

10 Jalan Sek Men Tuanku Syed Pu Jalan Kaki Bukit, Kangar 01000 Malaysia

Mai Cafe Herbal Kopitiam is located at 10 Jalan Sek Men Tuanku Syed Pu Jalan Kaki Bukit, Kangar 01000 Malaysia. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Kangar. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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