
Md. Salleh Restoran


10 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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Md. Salleh Restoran Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Kusnanda Supriatna


    et’s get this right: Md. Salleh’s Roti Prata (Prata comes from a North Indian term Paratha that is a pancake kind or a flat kind of breads) is fluffy, crispy, includes a lovely texture and certainly delicious. What moves nicely with the roti isthe tender and flavourful beef rendang. You certainly have to attempt the beef rendang right here. It was just excellent. The beef was beautiful and tender and the fantastic coconut taste was tasty. There was a bite to the curry and the spice ranking was somewhere within mild and moderate. It hits the location. Just wonderful, authentic Malaysian food. Take a look if you are in Taman Pelangi, Johor Baru. This can be a MUST stop (www.perfyi.wordpress.com)

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  • Annisaa Citradelita


    Should try out this Roti canai. An alternative solution to mamak's roti! If the roti is very hot or chilly the softnesss of the roti remained. As soon as you taste it just forget about roti at mamak shop

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  • Sapphire Cherry


    This an excellent typical malay design roti canai / prata. Good - prata isn't oily, fluffy and soft. Two plain wouldn't normally be enough. - good mix of dhal + sambal. Hits the location after consuming mamak's prata for some time. - try ordering'onion prata' or even 'pasted prata aka roti tampal' . with fried egg with dripping yolk pasted to an ordinary prata + the dhal. that's it, my mouth area waters every time talking about this. - You can go best up your gravy/dhal yourself or even make your personal concoction. Not so good - Service can be sluggish, even on regular weekday morning, when there is any family members made a big takeaway order. - Seating inside cafe is really a bit stuffy. Choose the pavement (outside) - Usually do not eat nasi lemak ayam - RM5.50 is overpriced and its own not that good. Tips, in case you are traveling, please park and screen parking voucher. The enforcers are energetic around this area. For me its the very best prata up to now in Johor Bahru, until I possibly could test bukit Chagar stall.

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  • Ahmet_cicekli


    Their Roti Canai are flakey and their size are simply nice. It's flavor is really great. Roti Telur Bawang is actually crispy and delicious. Include with a Malaysian beverage, Teh Tarik. That wasn't really that great, it's not excellent to drink

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  • Selin Aras


    Wnenever I visit JB., my 1st job is always to discover the tastiest roti prata for breakfast the next morning! On my current trip I has been tempted to the 'restaurant' by the testimonials written by others. Regrettably I was very dissatisfied by the knowledge! Thechef/prepare or the dog owner must have experienced a bad day time? The roti had been neither crispe or flakey, or delicious, the curry sauce has been watery and incredibly bland, the tea tarik had been that! The 'ambience' has been lacking everything, if you don't are the 'grumpy' cashier (owner's wife I really believe, in accordance with other reviews). Nevertheless, you do get 'appropriate tables and chairs'! Actually the entire experience had been a waste materials of time, I possibly could have attended my faviourite eatery at Bukit Chagar. Why perform others rated this therefore highly?

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Md. Salleh Restoran Location

22 Jalan Pingai Taman Pelangi, Johor Bahru 80400 Malaysia

Md. Salleh Restoran is located at 22 Jalan Pingai Taman Pelangi, Johor Bahru 80400 Malaysia. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Johor Bahru. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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