
Art52 Coffee


7 Reviews



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Business hours
  • Sunday: 9:00 - 18:00
  • Monday: 9:00 - 18:00
  • Tuesday: 9:00 - 18:00
  • Wednesday: 9:00 - 18:00
  • Thursday: 9:00 - 18:00
  • Friday: 9:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday: 9:00 - 21:00

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Art52 Coffee Location

52 Jalan Tan Hiok Nee, Johor Bahru 80000 Malaysia

Art52 Coffee is located at 52 Jalan Tan Hiok Nee, Johor Bahru 80000 Malaysia. This is a Kafe restaurant near the Johor Bahru.The average price range at Art52 Coffee is around $$,and the opening hours are 9:00 - 18:00.Art52 Coffee is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Johor Bahru area. There are different kinds of food in Art52 Coffee that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 16-782 8376.

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Art52 Coffee Reviews


7 Reviews

  • Daniel Astaman


    This cafe includes a limited space to dine. However, they serve great aroma coffee, balanced diet and the support was great. I really do enjoy their 3d artwork chocolate drink. Went right here several times with classmates to use their warm chocolate and cheesecake. Theymake their very own cheesecake. This cafe will be highly recommended for several cafe lovers.

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  • Mustafakemalylmz


    Serves nice beverages. Their 3d artwork chocolate latte is crucial try. In addition they provide good coffees. Little cafe but offer great food and good provider.

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  • Safira Aditriani


    We came here for the objective of seeing their 3D chocolate art in true, and it was this type of cute art. Good cafe latte, serving among the best scones actually in Malaysia, I dare state and incredibly caring barista/proprietor. The cafe is quite small,but the high quality of the coffee certainly end up being the center of interest. Such a excellent cafe on a historic road. I will certainly recommend anyone who would like a good sit down elsewhere in town to stop by here.

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  • Tugrulalpay06


    Visited this cafe upon March, that has been a hot afternoon. Idea that is clearly a comfortable atmosphere, but truthfully speaking I must say i felt disappointed after arrived at there. I went presently there with my hubby & my child. Cafe is situated at 2nd ground, so we've toleave the stroller initially floor entry. Staircase is as well steep for me personally to climb up because I has been holding my infant in my arm. WHEN I reached 2nd floor, there exists a gallery but it is actually stuffy and super very hot. Cafe is merely at the other part of the gallery with just three tables, one lengthy table & two little tables. Of course there's aircon but therefore crowded because of small area. Two staffs will work at there, the man was very helpful but another lady had not been much face expression... Summary, you can find rooms for improvement.

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  • Gabrielle Vanessa


    The cafe isn't apparent immediately as you arrived at it. The bottom floor is really a dedicated memorial showcasing the functions of local performer. To those who find themselves unfamiliar, you won't ever understand of the cafe that's nestled on the initial floor.WHEN I wa led up the stairs, I discovered more artwork in a spacious space. Looking around, there is no semblance of a cafe whatsoever. There is but an individual door, drive past it, you'll come to a little space which could fit 10 individuals at the most at any moment. I ordered a set white (Columbian beans). In addition they offered the Kenyan range but it was even more acidic. The coffee beans were freshly floor and the barista after that walked over, to talk about the outcomes of the grind, initially smell, it was currently an invitation to would like even more. My coffee had been well balanced although I have to say, I needed more. At RM11 per cup, I have to say, it was worthwhile.

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