
Restoran M Salim


10 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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Restoran M Salim Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Beirut


    The fish & mutton curry is excellent.. the flavor is subtle.. nothing severe so it feels as though home cook foods. The purchase price is reasonable .

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  • Moztekinnn


    Cheap and good meals. Love the fried poultry wings. Wasn’t salty at all. Meets my tastebuds. Friendly services crew too. It’s essential try. Especially if you're staying at Bedrock resort cos it’s just opposing the hotel. They're open daily till 12am butFridays they're closed 1pm-2pm. It’s a good deal in the event that you wanna eat Indian dinner! We ordered 1 bowl of veg, 1 poultry wing, 1 bowl of mutton curry (must attempt), 1 bowl of chicken spare components, rice, 3 beverages which only price us Sing dollars 10 wow!

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    Went for supper with the household but regretted my choice by the finish of it. Service regular is par with comparable restaurants. I purchased the nasi kandar that was offered in a plate as well small to support the meat. The meals tasted bland and Ilost my urge for food after eating the meals. However my wife acquired the kambing soup that was tasty. We purchased some rice and meat meals for the youngsters to share. Once the costs came, I was amazed so when I spread the purchase price out, it made an appearance that a bowl of nasi kandar without the meat (just gravy) is more costly compared to the meat. I made a decision to give this location another try, following day early morning for breakfast, also it was okay. All-in-all, I wouldn't recommend this location for either your meal but if however you stay at a close by resort then you can click here for breakfast.

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  • Oğuz Han Hızar


    Tip: purchase the mutton curry on another plate (RM6) rather than piling this on the rice, in this manner you get a lot more mutton (kambing) curry and gravy for approximately the same price. This store is on a single street because the more famous Nasi Ganjaat Yong Suan kopitiam. While Nasi Ganja will sell out early (established near at 6 pm but usually sells out by 4 pm), Restoran Salim opens afterwards and is an excellent alternative for the nasi kandar fix. I love the generous mixture of different gravies and curries on the rice. Their mutton curry (aka kambing in Malay) dish is particularly great and the curry will be strong so far better have it purchased on a aspect plate so that it doesn't overwhelm the flavours of another curries. Marinated fried poultry is also a favorite dish. For a nasi kandar dish of poultry (ayam) and salted egg and also a side bowl of mutton curry I compensated RM12.50 and portions were hearty for just one pax.

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  • Daindra Wisaksono


    Highly recommended by way of a friend. But...... Disappointing..... Yes. Clean. Not so clean. Varieties. Yes. But nothing at all special in comparison to other mamak restaurants. Staff. A whole lot. And occupied chatting instead of attending to clients who simply walked in. Instead rude infact, mopping the ground when oneis eating. Approximately moved chair and tables when doing this. And.......... Cut chilli, set you back 40 sen. When most dining places give for free. Not happy. Regret and can not go right now there again. Ever.

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Restoran M Salim Location

cnr Jln Che Tak & Jln Yang Kalsom New town, Ipoh Malaysia

Restoran M Salim is located at cnr Jln Che Tak & Jln Yang Kalsom New town, Ipoh Malaysia. This is a Indian restaurant near the Ipoh. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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