
Onn Kee Chicken Rice


10 Reviews


RM 25 / Person

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Onn Kee Chicken Rice Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Nazlıcan Akkoç


    I've not been going to Ipoh for a while but for every go to, I am sure I am having chicken rice which is among the restaurant that I'll always choose. Unlike my earlier visit, I was surprised by the quantity of customers at the shop this time around. There were very little clients when I visited this cafe for lunch time at about 1:30PM nowadays. It is very not the same as my prior visit because I had been prepared for a masses to become there and waiting period for foods to be served. This can be a good experience for me personally here when i enjoyed eating minus the usual environment that is filled with visitors. However, getting a car recreation area was a little difficult. I must park the automobile and walk a little because the parking nearby the eating place is full. The chicken, bean sprout and rice taste great and I am back for a trip again.

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  • Ahmet Ciftci


    Strong Ipoh eats here! Obtained the typical regional specialty poultry and bean sprouts with 1 helping of rice and 1 serving of noodles. Poultry is tasty and tender. Sprouts are FAT because they should be since this's an area specialty. Sauce is both lighting and flavorful and I possibly could truly eat 3 dishes of it more than their rice that is cooked in poultry broth?? It experienced undertones of ginger and poultry and was beautiful even though it wasn't said to be the star. English was pretty simple here but not all of the servers speak it so you may get handed faraway from server to server for an instant or you speak to the boss woman who's fluent. She is the main one who takes transaction when you're done write-up eating (only once less busy, during hurry hours payment should be done when served). *Note: You can find two locations with this street so make sure to take note which one you need to head to. Our driver who was simply an Ipoh indigenous did tell us that one is a lot more hygienic then your other therefore we went to that one that is apparently better however when I walked by another afterwards the "cleaniness" seems relatively exactly the same but that's hard to guage without actually eating at both places

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  • Erhan Güngör


    Last trip (2015) it had been a 5 star. This season, not sure why ... nonetheless it simply missed the mark to be 5 star. With that said ... it had been still gorgeous. It really is so basic and uncomplicated - yet so tasty. There are a couple of biscuit and confectionary places near by (pandan biskut specifically) in some sort of filo pastry. This is simply not the city to be calorie-conscious.

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  • William Franata Girsang


    The bean sprout chicken rice is merely amazing, it's such a very simple dish nonetheless it tastes thus savory. It's just the most common steam poultry served with soup and bean sprouts. Addititionally there is an option of experiencing the most common chicken rice or simply the plain whitened rice. The poultry and bean sprout will be amazingly fresh and you also could sense how refreshing it really is to consume it. That's the primary specialty in this cafe. The crowd gets quite crazy but fret not really, they have several lot on a single road. There's also a good air conditioned area with limited spaces inside the restaurant. Services and car parking are alright. You will find parking pretty quickly. There are a great deal of vacationers that would stop by the area.

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  • Siti Ariani


    When having our small vacation at Ipoh, Danny and I've visited among the famous poultry rice shop right now there, Ong Kee Chicken Rice. Uncertain whether it was due to the vacation or Ong Kee is definitely full of individuals. It had been super crowded and we'd to endure at roadside merely to get a chair. We noticed patrons on large table thus we questioned whether we are able to share. Else, I believe we would need to stand there waiting around a minumum of one hour. We tried to obtain you to definitely take our purchase, but a lot more than 30 mins, no one taken care of us. The patrons shared desk with us told they waited for his or her food more than one hour. Jesus! It had been crazy. Nicely, we thought since it was holiday in fact it is famous around so we wished to try. I realize they're super busy nonetheless it doesn't mean it really is an excuse for the to treat your visitors rudely! We eventually got our purchase also it was below our expectation, in all honesty. Maybe you might state I was suffering from my disposition. Yes, I admitted, however the taste still exactly the same. My poor mood turns optimistic if the meals is great. Seems that Ong Kee didn't convert it. Properly, it has no the next time for Ong Kee Poultry Rice if I will Ipoh again. I instead find some hidden eating place, not pack with individuals and being dealt with as valued customer.

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Onn Kee Chicken Rice Location

No 48,51,53, Jalan Yau Tet Shin 30300 Ipoh, Perak Malaysia

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Onn Kee Chicken Rice is located at No 48,51,53, Jalan Yau Tet Shin 30300 Ipoh, Perak Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Ipoh. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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