
Huat Chicken Restaurant


10 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 12:00 - 22:00
  • Tuesday: 12:00 - 22:00
  • Wednesday: 12:00 - 22:00
  • Thursday: 12:00 - 22:00
  • Friday: 12:00 - 22:00
  • Saturday: 12:00 - 22:00

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Huat Chicken Restaurant Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Xapenter


    Written my very first review last year once the shop very first opened. Also took the initiative to create to website to checklist them as a fresh restaurant. Today my children and I visited the area for lunch once again. We understood it had been a busy period forlunch and it had been kinda crowded. We had been seated (provided by another patrons who didn't thoughts table posting) while patiently waited for orders to be studied. When the desk sharing patrons completed their foods, we were questioned to keep by the waiter to depart our table and make enough space for some other ppl. What's this nonsense! We were totally disappointed with like act of assistance and we think they're too rude! 1st, if the cafe thinks they couldn't accommodate any longer customers, they ought to inform as soon as we walk in. 2nd, this is a totally terrible expertise to hv been seated there waiting around, wasting our period and endurance and came asking people to leave ultimately. IF WE WERE TOLD THE Eating place WAS FULL THE MOMENT WE WALKED IN, IT REALLY IS ACCEPTABLE WE SEARCH FOR Options BUT NOT DIRECTLY AFTER WE WERE SEATED! P/s: Just felt they grew arrogant after company got found. Period. The encounter is totally unpleasant.

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  • Harriett Moore


    Therefore the website Malaysia trumpets this because the "best Chicken Rice" in Ipoh, which builds anticipations but does not deliver. It is not no problem finding, tucked behind the mega Tesco, parking is definitely an issue. The await the meals was pretty long- your kitchen just acquired one chef and the eating place was almost full therefore we had to hold back about 20 mins for the laundry. The food was an excellent chicken rice, we'd both cold and warm chicken alongside bean sprouts, however the highlight was actually the lettuce. 3 folks had about 5 meals and tea price about 70 MYR. If you are purchasing at the Tesco, it will be an excellent place for lunch, nonetheless it is seriously taken care of - personally I'd not make the journey again.

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  • Fauzhashahab


    Our group was amazed by this poultry rice look for its tasty poultry meat dishes such as huat chicken and cool poultry. Should attempt their hor enjoyable in prawn soup and fook chow seafood balls. Bean sprouts has been also tasty. This store is similar to a jewelhidden in the forest coz it isn't easily to locate.

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  • Zahra Faras Sukma


    Love the poultry and the poultry rice at this location. Rice was extremely fragrant greatest I've had in age range. Enjoyed the direction they ready the liver and gizzard and specifically their chicken feet. My sis who never eat chicken foot tried it for thefirst period and adored it. It really is deboned and completed Thai style - lovely, tangy & spicy. Dish will not like like poultry feet also it feels like you're eating cold jellyfish😋 Preferred eating here when compared to various other chicken and bean sprout sites that had a lot of branches around Ipoh

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  • Nazli Gungor


    Tasty food inside your home! Not were able to try the original and famous poultry rice in Ipoh city however I unintentionally discovered this restaurant. Very cosy store and clean. The purchase price is reasonable as you can benefit from the aircond throughout your meal. I love theside dishes as well. Eg: bean sprouts, braised egg and fishball. Thumbs up!

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Huat Chicken Restaurant Location

No 4 Jalan Medan Ipoh 1C Medan Ipoh Bistari, Ipoh 31400 Malaysia

Huat Chicken Restaurant is located at No 4 Jalan Medan Ipoh 1C Medan Ipoh Bistari, Ipoh 31400 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Ipoh. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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