
The Ais


10 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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The Ais Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Mama Abercio


    I really was disappointed with the ice lotion and service. I totally like icecream and we proceeded to go here along the way house one evening, it had been very quite, a guy eating downstairs and several very small groupings upstairs. I purchase icrecream and awaffle to eliminate... It took 25 - half an hour to create my waffle, there have been 2 employees on presume the youthful couple bought it and perhaps the only real staff, good in it for this home based business venture nonetheless it was just solution to gradual!!! I was wishing the ice cream will be worth it. I purchase rum and raisin and for the 1st time in my lifestyle I threw ice lotion away, it had been so so solid, I think rather than rum essence it had been actual alcohol that is great for do-it-yourself natural ice cream nonetheless it juts tasted like alcoholic beverages!! like something hadn't already been mixed properly.

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  • Marga Retta


    If one is expecting a European/American design ice cream--- this can really "wake you up" to additional tasty delights!! Their ice lotions are usually mostly dairy free of charge [great for "lactose intolerant" individuals]!! All the ice lotions are "do-it-yourself" and some created from tasty ...but various vegetable ingredients!! It really is nicely/centrally located--- and certainly worthy of visit. I hope that review has been helpful!

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  • Fre


    Found this location while exploring George Town with the desire to have dessert.. The joint will be quaint and operate by mother-girl duo.. Had ice lotions that have been fresh and organic.. Loved’em..!! The ice lotions are made fresh nearly every time.. The hospitality proven by them washeartwarming.!! Should do location while n Penang..!

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  • Ivonne Puspakencana


    We usually swing by this wonderful ice lotion shop whenever we come in Penang. Ice lotion made in home and served by way of a type and generous family group. Seasonal, local and occasionally unusual flavours, last period, a creamy date the one that was tasty and aninteresting hojicha. Great waffle cones. We attempted the fresh designed to purchase waffles and an excellent strong well-crafted iced Vietnamese style espresso last time we have there been, coupled with their air conditioning upstairs it made an extremely refreshing night stop. We really like this location, we recommend you slide open up their doorway and try them the next time you're passing by.

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  • Febrina Tarida


    We tried waffle coconut cheese (freshly cooked but a bit dry and as well coked. No coconut cheese flavor, only a little little bit of chocolate sauce, whipped lotion),with vegan ice lotion salted caramel (no solid taste, just ok) It had been average, I was disappointed Modernenvironment with fan, couple of small chair and tables, only two or three 3. They will have a cute small doggy with nice clothes It appears to be very clean Concerning food choices, there's ice cream, fruit drinks, hot drinks such as flower tea and waffels. The menus on the walls is complicated for the costs of the dishes also it was still not very clear when I asked. Few tastes of ice lotion when I went (not at the proper time) It fills you a little up limited to a snack, it really is expensive because 15 rm may be the price of meals you are feeling full with for a lot more than 5 hours Smiley and pleasant service however they didn’t i want to try the ice cream before, You can test 5 flavours in a scone for 15rm and We was sometimes not explained that I discovered the area in 2019 and We only went onetime.

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The Ais Location

473A Lebuh Chulia, George Town, Penang Island 10200 Malaysia

The Ais is located at 473A Lebuh Chulia, George Town, Penang Island 10200 Malaysia. This is a Vegetarian restaurant near the George Town. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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