
Souper Tang


5 Reviews



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Souper Tang Location

170 Persiaran Gurney Gurney Plaza, George Town, Penang Island 10250 Malaysia

Souper Tang is located at 170 Persiaran Gurney Gurney Plaza, George Town, Penang Island 10250 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the George Town.The average price range at Souper Tang is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Souper Tang is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the George Town area. There are different kinds of food in Souper Tang that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 4-375 1679.

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Souper Tang Reviews


5 Reviews

  • Magdalena Fridawati


    I had my overseas close friends with me as because it was raining, We decided that it's far better eat at a close by place. I have already been eyeing this specific restaurant because it opened not really that way back when.I made a decision to give this a go as itwas a peaceful Mon evening and there have been nit that lots of people around. There is 3 folks and I went for the Chinese design of ordering side meals to opt for our plate of rice. I purchased silky tofu in crab meats broth, stewed poultry with ginger wines, tsai with wolfberry simmered soup and sesame drunken poultry with ginger paste. Overall, I was extremely disappointed with the majority of dishes. I will discuss what I love first. I love the tofu, it had been very nicely cooked also it offers you that nice smooth silky experience of the food heading down your throat. The drunken poultry was a large letdown. The chicken had not been tender at all also it came out searching like a shrunken poultry since it was overdone. In addition there is no taste of wines that was really disappointing. That is one of my preferred dish and I'll purchase this whenever it really is offered in the menus. So, I know what What i'm saying is. the stewed poultry with ginger wines was worse. The term "stewed" will let you know your dish usually do not arrive out looking such as a big plate of soup. That's just what take place to mine. Lastly the tsai with wolfberry - again that is one of my preferred vegetarian dish. Sadly, it was not delicious at all. The people I had before somewhere else includes shrimp tasting soup and topped with hundred years eggs. Not here. AM I GOING TO come again. I'll not maintain a hurry although there substantially more other meals to be enjoyed. I paid RM1450.80 that is fine with myself but since it was a let-down. I deem the purchase price to be expensive.

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  • Buse Gunaydin


    My partner chose this cafe for a weekend loved ones dinner with my previous folks and mother-in-law. We ordered the cucumber beginner, signature soup (great), french coffee beans fried with pu er tea results in, broccoli stirred fried with deep-fried tofu skins (broccoli just blanched prematurely, tastedtoo natural), and herbal poultry steamed in alum handbag (under-cooked, chicken still hard and Chinese herbs filled with flavor). Service was great though. A testimony to how tough the service crew proved helpful. The waitresses attempted to help if we raised our fingers. I'd say that actually the dining region is under-staffed when i could discover them rushing around to help keep everyone happy. Souper Tang must up their video game. Cannot just rely permanently on the famous double-boiled soups. And their JPO branch requires a renovation or make-over. I delivered some customers there last 30 days.

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  • Tuğbay Kartal


    We'd several dishes including dark fungus with garlic, cucumber tossed inside sesame, dried clam and white bait with fried eggs, aged garlic pork with chestnuts, mee suah inside abalone sauce, rice and honey green tea extract jug. All found 105.45 MYR. Meals had been fairlysmall, but we had been surprised how much meats has been in the pork dish. We really cherished the cucumbers and would recommend it. There had been not a poor dish in the bunch. We shall return back and would recommend offering it a try.

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  • Aysenem Andic


    Positive Comments: 1) The services rendered are excellent 2) The meals is tasty and great. 3) Atmosphere is comfortable and best for dinning. Negative Comments: 1) A bit pricy. (after taking into consideration the positive remarks above, personally i think it is worthy of for money)

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  • Sultan Polat


    We ordered the place menor CNY and was gifted with the pot, the frying pan and the tin of abalone. The pot is usually of the cheapest quality. I used two times only and its own rusty now. ☹

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