
Ming Garden Restaurant


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Ming Garden Restaurant Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Barış Emre Kaya


    We had an organization dinner for 12 by the end of November 2015. It had been a weekday therefore there were just a few tables occupied inside our section however the other area partitioned off had been for another multi-national business with a more impressive number of staff.We'd called up earlier and pre-ordered our meals from an affable Mr Tan who incidentally has been with the cafe since its inception 4 years back. We quoted our spending budget and he suggested the laundry which we had been agreeable to. We regretted not really ordering the beginner dish of the Four Periods cold plate that was a lovely mix of various appetizers. In any case for starters we'd the crispy Peking Duck epidermis which was actually refreshing with a little range of greens in an excellent plum sauce covered up in a crepe/pancake. These were tasty and were gone very quickly. The flesh was prepared into another tasty dish with a yummy sauce. The suckling roast pig has been alright however the skin might have been a little crispier. It was offered with mantou (steamed buns). Nothing at all to shout about. The veggie platter contains lotus roots and assorted veggies that was nice but a little bland. The final time I ordered exactly the same dish it tasted far better. The huge prawns in a sour assam/tamarind gravy had been delightful and it actually perked up the popular steamed rice. We liked japan tofu in seafood sauce. We'd a bowl of roast chicken that was ordinary but good. The fish prepared in the taucheong (preserved bean paste) was refreshing and tasty however the gravy was just a little salty. We completed with a mango dessert that was alright but a little sweetish. Program was attentive and fast and foods was served piping scorching and almost instantly. Ming Garden restaurant suits wedding dinners so it's hard to obtain a reservation through the weekends especially through the peak wedding a few months. From past encounters dinning in this eating place, the food served through the weekends (when you can obtain a desk) is way better than through the weekdays. This cafe includes a sister branch in Foong Wei Cafe in Sri Bahari Street (reservation is preferred but parking there exists a trouble!) and the meals there is far better.

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    We'd 2 tables for family members gathering. The support was poor. The captain had not been friendly and has poor attitude. I believe he must be badly paid. The cutleries had been smelly..it had the odor of cockroaches. Informed the captain and rather than apologetic he wasdefensive. The prawns had been stale rather than fit for human intake and had to come back that plate in their mind. In summary, don't move there and we'll never go there once again. Not worth an individual penny.

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  • Çeçilya Pınar Aykanat Baysal


    I'm shocked to see bad comments concerning this restaurant. I have already been here for two wedding ceremony dinners and 4 lunches and may vouch for an undeniable fact that the meals is yummy, provider terrific, cleanliness impressive. Costs are fair. The only snag may be the airconditioning is fairly cold because the restaurant is spacious. Additional than that, I really like this place. Parking could be challenging during features and weekends. Enjoy!

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  • Dandey Dinda


    Attended several wedding supper here. Spacious, I really believe can accommodate around 55-60 tables. Quick food-serving however the food is not really until. Food was frosty. Roasted piglet with mantou is quite disappointing. Pork is tough rather than crispy and the mantou will be way-out.

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  • Yoga Permana


    This large and spacious restaurant is situated in the center of Georgetown on the next floor of Penang's Times Square. We've been here several periods in the past couple of years for family events usually booking their personal rooms. We generally pre-order our meals foran eight course food and have not really been disappointed. The meals is tasty from the appetisers to the mains, and desserts. The private area will be pleasant, well atmosphere conditioned, and contains a karaoke established for those keen to test their vocals. Staff are usually attentive and our meals comes very speedily. Overall great dining experience conveniently situated in Penang CBD.

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Ming Garden Restaurant Location

2nd Floor Lot 77-2-28 Jalan Dato Keramat, George Town, Penang Island Malaysia

Ming Garden Restaurant is located at 2nd Floor Lot 77-2-28 Jalan Dato Keramat, George Town, Penang Island Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the George Town. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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