
Little Cottage Cafe


10 Reviews



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Little Cottage Cafe Location

96-A Jalan Burmah, George Town, Penang Island 10050 Malaysia

Little Cottage Cafe is located at 96-A Jalan Burmah, George Town, Penang Island 10050 Malaysia. This is a Italy restaurant near the George Town.The average price range at Little Cottage Cafe is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Little Cottage Cafe is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the George Town area. There are different kinds of food in Little Cottage Cafe that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Little Cottage Cafe Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Özlem Arlı


    I had a pleasant pasta meal as of this eating place. I was dissatisfied that I couldnt possess one glass of white wines because they had run out. So had to stay for a beer . Lovely ambience and had not been too much from my hotel.

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  • Onur şahin


    This was our first-time to visit this pretty little cottage restaurant for the wedding anniversary meal with this friends. The atmosphere had been one which exuded a British styled cottage in the countryside but this location was in fact a shophouse in the town! Littlecottage has hot cosy corners for young couples and with lacey quite curtains at the home windows! Service wise was very good. We purchased some western meals, like seafood and chips, salmon and veg, mexican poultry and grilled fish. All of us had an excellent portion, with delicious soup and garlic loaf of bread. May come back once again if we have been in town!

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  • Adhiet Bw


    We went here for lunch time after our R.O.M. Everything was simply ok. Support wasn't that welcoming and I couldn't tell who's the manager. Didn't also come to me when i am expecting a greet from the supervisor since we can be found in about 30 pax.Food, they are able to cook chicken and seafood however, not lamb and beef. Sirloin wasn't tender and actually tough, it generally does not look clean and i supposed they froze it for a long time. The area hasn't change for a long time, surely want some refurbish since it will surely help.

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  • Serlypipu


    booked the spot for nearly 100 pax, food has been delicious, plenty of compliments via my guests. However the service really was bad. From the rude supervisor, to a standard waiter. They function like they dislike their job, and carrying it out for the sakeof carrying it out. Not welcoming! U need to tell them to best up the meals then only they'll do. hands down the staff also told us, to find it out ourselves on how best to use the audio system. Supervisor was rude, didnt actually greet, and talked like we have been stupid people within their cafe. Staffs are trained never to do anything! they'll just stand in 1 corner. Proprietors of the restaurant should consider this matter, cos lots of Penangites loves the area, no wonder its generally empty nowadays. Sad...

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  • Jhon Bramasata


    the food was tasty, the help is friendly and knowledgeable and may tell you reasons for having the area. Outdoor consuming under a canopy in the event of rain.

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