
Kopi & Toast


4 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 8:00 - 15:00
  • Monday: 8:00 - 15:00
  • Wednesday: 8:00 - 15:00
  • Thursday: 8:00 - 15:00
  • Friday: 8:00 - 15:00
  • Saturday: 8:00 - 15:00

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Kopi & Toast Reviews


4 Reviews

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  • Erdal Yılmaz


    Great place to possess breakfast or brunch at an acceptable price. The brand new renovation makes it very much comfier that before. Atmosphere : 4/5 Food : 4/5 Drinks : 4/5 Price. : 4/5 Service : 5/5

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  • Arda Sapan


    wanting to leave resort early to get breakfast within the george city area, we were simply no so sure since it was 7.30 but still pretty dark. at first arriving at find breakfast invest clan jetty, we arrived accross this location and it’s so awesome! neatlydecorated with all classic stuff, the friendly woman presented menu and all of us received it with large smile! menus offerred was in great variety and good cost as well! toast and egg has been splendid, and the ice milk tea was amazing. must visit! great place to begin before wandering for penang road art !

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  • Serap Onca


    I actually came here for the coffee. It's fine and amazing inside. It was filled with locals. Service was great. The espresso was a touch too lovely but I'd forgotten to include no glucose to my purchase. It was just 3.20 for an iced espresso withmilk. No wifi I believe. I came back again to use breakfast. I'd observed the cheesy noodles favored by the locals. I purchased it. It's a little potato with plenty of noodles at the top and an egg in addition. Around the advantage has been melted cheese and a sliced up sausage. It had been unusual to say minimal but excellent. I paid Rm 10 fir it

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  • Chandra Fernando


    Worst experince to go to the cafe. Me and my sister opt to check out Kopi & Toast trigger it turn into a viral article in facebook that have made us thrilled to experiece it. But... It certainly create us dissaponted since we first rung on the ladder into the cafe.To begin with, nobody involves serve people eventhough the waiter and waitress seen us all standing by the entranceway side maybe it really is full house. Therefore we opt to stand and await a location to sit back. While waiting, there exists a few coming in aswell.. Finally, we were therefore happy a table of client finally finish their dinner and move for transaction. But nonetheless.. The the waiter didn't clean the desk and have us to sit back. Therefore, my sister and i made a decision to settle ourself at the empty desk while looking forward to the waiter to completely clean table n function us. Once the waiter come, we'd purchased the penang tradisional breakfast we.e. toast breads and fifty percent boiled egg not to mention the signature dish of the cafe i.electronic. cheesy noodle + mushroom soup. Simultaneously, another table of consumer finish their foods and we had been shock to start to see the waiter inquire the few to sit back. 😡 Is it our face issue or what for u all to take care of us like this??? After waiting for very long time, we lastly might have our breakfast. But right here arrives another dissapoinment. The meals taste so bad. Which arrived at agreement with another desk of customer where they also have higher expections with the meals here. The noodles simply taste like the immediate noodle that we may also cook and eat in the home. Mushroom soup can be from the moment mix one. Nothing unique! Forget about next time.

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Kopi & Toast Location

63 Gat Lebuh Chulia, George Town, Penang Island 10200 Malaysia

Kopi & Toast is located at 63 Gat Lebuh Chulia, George Town, Penang Island 10200 Malaysia. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the George Town. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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