
Easy Brew


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Easy Brew Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Astrid Safira


    Serves the largest collection of coffee form all over the world. Would make sure you espresso afficionados! And at an extremely reasonable price too. Besides coffee there exists a selection of western meals. The pancakes are great.

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  • Jalilah Afiqah


    This hidden gem, of a cafe is really as good as it applies to anyone into coffee, traveling, culinary delights, rare dishes and drinks - just mandatory see if you're in Malaysia - really worth the visit, even though you need to spendhours getting here! Supervisor Yeoh Chee Min is actually remarkable - not merely he makes you sense welcome, but treats you prefer a family, we experienced privileged to become invited by him. Numerous coffees from all over the entire world - to see, smell, try to hear the most interesting stories about, in addition to taking it residential, which we did. All milled to your specifications, roasted and offered as you want, or pursuing traditions and customs of the greatest baristas and nations of origin. In Russian. You can view a movie of my check out on my Youtube channel. Так выглядит самый приятный кофе-магазин в мире, с сотнями сортов кофе со всего мира. Владелец не только собирает, но и продает и предлагает к питью этот напиток приготовленный сотнями всевозможных способов и традициям. Отличная еда и десерты. Я бы туда переселился только ради этого кафе!

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  • Acelap


    Came here for the late lunch and has been surprised that the area was extremely spacious, with the quaint back yard at the trunk with garden seats and tables. Would believe that this place will be perfect for tea events or birthdays! It had been very emptywhen we visited, which we loved since it was quiet plenty of for us to accomplish some work. The meals was reasonable, however the coffee selection from all over the world was excellent! The costs were also affordable, and there was a good roasting room this means these folks know their stuff. The staff was quite obliging and friendly and didn't mind that people moved round the cafe plenty of different areas. It had been an extremely homely and chilled environment. I would definitely return back a second time and energy to just relax and also have some good espresso, or even to buy some coffees. Overall an extremely pleasant experience!

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  • Amalia Ramadhany


    Calling all espresso connoisseurs : A must location for the drip coffee filled with roasting room, wide range of beans from around the globe lined contrary to the wall for the choice, country style decoration ambience to chill while waiting around patiently for the coffee. Otherfood selection for several meals available at an extremely reasonable price.

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  • Mike Tok


    Called set for dinner along with friends, love the ambience and back again area. The direction they cook the poultry is quite interesting and delicious, refreshing lemongrass tea, and tasty coffee. We are back soon

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Easy Brew Location

145 -147 Beach Street, George Town, Penang Island 10300 Malaysia

Easy Brew is located at 145 -147 Beach Street, George Town, Penang Island 10300 Malaysia. This is a Vegetarian restaurant near the George Town. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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