
77 restaurant (fish head curry)


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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77 restaurant (fish head curry) Location

77 Bulatan Gurney, George Town, Penang Island 10250 Malaysia

77 restaurant (fish head curry) is located at 77 Bulatan Gurney, George Town, Penang Island 10250 Malaysia. This is a Seafood restaurant near the George Town.The average price range at 77 restaurant (fish head curry) is around RM 35 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.77 restaurant (fish head curry) is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the George Town area. There are different kinds of food in 77 restaurant (fish head curry) that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 4-227 9086.

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77 restaurant (fish head curry) Reviews


10 Reviews

  • FVG


    The food here's very expensive, it really is overrated. I would suggest a better food high quality in Penang apart from this restaurant.

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  • Sano Subiyanto


    If you are a tourist and want some very nice Malaysian food, here's your house, it deviates from the celeb meals...the laksa, the wan tan mee, that is different...that is stuff you will not ever get, especially as of this standard, anywhere else on the planet. The Seafood headcurry, the celebrity of the show, amazing, filled with flavour, and flavour isn't only the highlight, the seafood is definitely cooked perfectly, it's tasty. You cannot visit 77 with no it. The venison is another favourite of mine, the sauce is delicious and the meat may be the perfect texture, it accompanies your rice perfectly. Another preferred of mine, you will probably find this just a little odd that I've additional it in, however the bean sprout. In short: wow. It'll be probably the most delicious bean sprout you ever eat, a tad about the salty part, but eat it together with your rice and you'll think it’s great. Lastly your meal isn't complete without quite a few water chestnut mainly because your drink privately. For someone who finished up complaining about dining places I revisited again and again as a youngster...I'm letting you know, I never once experienced a faze of not really loving this location. A trip back is wasted easily don't get back to 77.

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  • Eymen


    Outstanding fish head curry and fried chicken inside belacan at Gurney Drive. Strongly suggested to pre-order and guide a table

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  • Suklis Setiawan


    This is a recognised restaurant and moved to the present location a long time ago. Meals is served quick, it really is delicious, very affordable.

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  • GezYeİç


    We stopped by as of this spot to try the seafood head curry,a vintage aunty greeted us inside this aged wooden hut.For an instant i thought this location was closed since it was so old and the surface was shabby and run-down. The stirfried kangkungwas flavourful and mum adored the fish head curry,overall i'd give this place a thumbs up since it didn't dissapoint us.Though I wish they are able to clear the surface up a little and throw the wooden tables aside which are rotting. Give this spot a try!

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