
Hokkien Mee


9 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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Hokkien Mee Location

Corner Jalan Penang and Jalan Kampung Malabar, Penang Island Malaysia

Hokkien Mee is located at Corner Jalan Penang and Jalan Kampung Malabar, Penang Island Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Butterworth.The average price range at Hokkien Mee is around RM 10 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Hokkien Mee is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Butterworth area. There are different kinds of food in Hokkien Mee that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Hokkien Mee Reviews


9 Reviews

  • Dwi R


    That is an iconic hawkers food that you ought to not be missed in Penang! And you also wont think it is any elsewhere even yet in China. Don't skip this!

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  • Kirei B.K


    When going to Penang we always check out the Ho Ping restaurant at the part of Penang street and Jalan Kampung Malabar. We especially just like the Char Kuey Teow, poultry rice and the Mee Goreng. I furthermore enjoy their new lime juice. Costs are aboutRM$4.50 the dish and RM$1.80 for the lime fruit juice. Can get busy sometimes. Open up until afternoon, not really night.

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  • Tessi Ananditya


    Not worth eating! Yet another prawn Mee, over marketed the 40 years knowledge! Can find much better, tastier and cheaper prawn mee somewhere else. Really small portion, only 3 prawns! Go someplace else for tastier prawn mee. Here over cost on food!

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  • Retna Subandi


    Final month, my sister bought 2 Groupon tickets because of this restaurant and we went there with friends aswell. The menu appears good and we ordered the medial side dishes that was included with the noodles and in addition extras. The noodles emerged initial. The Prawn Mee (whichwas the broadly advertised dish) was simply okay. Could actually get far better ones at very much cheaper prices at various other coffee stores. The koay teow ting had been okay as well. But that which was totally disappointing was that the noodles were simply lukewarm and the medial side meals were all cool, not warm at all. Another dishes (that have been cooked to purchase) were equally great and most of us wondered if there is a enthusiast or air conditioning that was trying to cool off the foods before it had been served to the desk. Overall food flavor was just alright but for the purchase price we paid, totally not really worth it. We'd have spent that exact same kind of cash (over RM200) at a good restaurant like May Backyard.

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  • Yogesh Sharma


    it is in another of the stalls inside Cafe Ho Ping. I wouldnt state this is the most effective hokkien mee around. it really is just average high quality. you obtain fried noodle blended with soya sous and poultry. Nothing so special.

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