
Mr. Ho's Restaurant


10 Reviews



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Mr. Ho's Restaurant Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Gaby Yosephine


    I think it is rather odd that outlet only seems to have reviews on the Bintulu branch however, not on the main one in Miri and a lot of the Miri foods advertising brochures including website nevertheless display their former investing name! Here's the knowledge on theone in Miri ....Lot 661(The), Block 7, MCLD, Pelita Commercial Centre, Miri-Pujut Street, 98000 Miri, Sarawak Tel : 085-413933/ 419233. We dined inside the Miri outlet after thus many appointments there and we found it to become a good Western bistro. It had been a weekday and the diner experienced several tables, mainly youthful Asians who appeared to be experiencing their dinner. The waiter who taken care of us was pleasant and useful and he suggested their Roasted Pork Knuckle to us and claimed it had been their best seller. WHEN I was not a lot of a meats eater, I proceeded to go because of their Roasted Pork with Apple company Sauce which was an inferior portion and my hubby purchased their Lamb. Both dishes had been great and the pork proved crispy and crunchy. We also placed an purchase of these Greek Salad also it could perform with much less Balsamic Vinegerette or offered individually in a sauce boat offering the diner the choice of having pretty much of the dressing. It had been much too sour and drenched from the way in which your kitchen prepared it! The owners also had a beer promotion that was almost exactly the same price as the resort we were staying. The meals pricing on the menus was also equal to the hotel's. This evaluation will help those people who are going to Miri and could want to try another JD's!

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  • Aish .J


    Visited with the colleague at lunchtime upon 21.06.12. The menu is a lot more extensive compared to the Mr Ho outlets in Kuching and Miri. I got a roast prok pizza which tasted excellent. Looks like this is a great location to invest evenings in also. Iwill be back.

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  • Sabila Talsa


    Recently renamed, from the decor to the menu remains exactly the same. More significantly, the food remains the very best western you are usually probably going to obtain in bintulu. Try out the walnut bacon salad to begin with, share a family group platter and complete with breads pudding fordesert.

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  • Josephine Junaidy


    Main focus is definitely pork, pork and pork...the meals is not bad nevertheless, you don't get significantly choice except the pork speciality, so after some pork, it could get boring pretty quickly

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  • Silvia Angelina


    It is a restaurant with a bar for drinking. You can find wide selections of wines, liquor and beverages to choose from. It is possible to chill up at the bar area and have your supper there or just visit the restaurant side. Are you aware that foodthey are well-known for the wide choices of pork. There is also additional western cuisine, pizzas, burgers, salads, pastas and etc. Must attempt their pizzas and spaghetti. Among the best in Bintulu.

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Mr. Ho's Restaurant Location

Park City Phase 5, Bintulu Malaysia

Mr. Ho's Restaurant is located at Park City Phase 5, Bintulu Malaysia. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Bintulu. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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