
Xiang Yun Vegetarian House


5 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Xiang Yun Vegetarian House Reviews


5 Reviews

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  • Ismail Odabaş


    I'm surprised that nobody has yet evaluation this place. This is a concealed gem and is quite unassuming. What I love about this location is that it acts excellent vegetarian meals that's not oily or overdone. Furthermore, you can purchase cooldrinks like lattes, etc as well as the normal nutmeg beverages, coca-cola,etc. Nevertheless, since this isn't the Nine Emperors nine times vegetarian festival. This location won't serve milk according to the nine vegetarian times condition. Furthermore, since we are amid this event, this cafe provides sensibly tone down it's food selections to raised control food high quality. For me, I specifically liked the soy meats rice, the pasembur (don't believe that is available currently) and also foods like their vegetarian "bah kut teh" Price-wise, I such as the fact that they maintained their cost. For the two 2 folks with a vege. sauce rice, a soy meats rice and two nutmegs, it arises to an inexpensive RM21.80. The area is quite cosy and usually occupied with customers, lots of whom arrives with their own families. Definitely a place worth a good vegetarian dinner.

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  • William Yohandy


    This one serves excellent vegetarian dish. It generally does not have that disgusting bogus meat odor and everything is clean. Like their sambal petai.

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  • Nadia Raditya


    I have not gone to this location for sometime therefore i decided to execute a second review because it appears to have changed. For just one, this eatery offers expanded. It overran the next door room as well which speaks volume in conditions ofit's customers foundation. This place isn't in exactly an extremely visible location but also for those who understands and like its meals, they have clients aplenty. Since, I've just came back from KL, I believed I'll treat myself for some nice vegetarian foods with my husband which place certainly will not disappoint. It had been crowded but there is no lowering of regular. The food had been as yummy as before. I ordered my preferred Soy Meat Rice and my hubby gets the Mixed Fungi Rice. The soy meats rice came with the ideal portion for me personally with an extremely generous topping of the vegetarian soy meats. I particularly just like the yellowish cabbage a sit has been cooked smooth without it becoming soggy. my husband's blended fungi rice as furthermore equally as good and the portions while generous with a significant different types of fungi. The sauce bottom was also very tasty. For drinks we'd the red nutmeg fruit juice ( a popular and a cold beverage). Overall, the full total bill came around RM25.80. An excellent bargain for me. This place has already been marked as you of the best vegetarian eatery.

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  • Alyssa Rinsky Putri


    Been here several times, it really is consistently serving great vegetarian restaurants for lunch time, dinner, individual or family members. Many varieties designed for main course, beverages, western or regional Malaysian styles.

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  • Dinosh


    It is a hidden gem for vegetarian food lovers. We really planned to go someplace for lunch time but discovered this location unintentionally. For vegetarian fans, I would suggest this place since it has comfortable environment, food serving will be neither too large nor small, tasteis ideal and the purchase price is reasonable. The area is just close to Golden Cafe in Bayan Stage and opposite B-Suite Resort. We'd Keng Som, Bah Kut Teh and yam roll for lunch time. The yam roll had been served at the start of the meal also it remains crispy even with we finished our dinner. There is absolutely no service cost for the good support they provided us. Xiang Yun Vegetarian House No. 17-G-31 Medan Kampung Relau, Mk 12, Bayan Stage, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang. Contact: 604-6371108

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Xiang Yun Vegetarian House Location

17-G-31, Medan Kampung Relau MK 12, Bayan Point, Bayan Lepas, Penang, Bayan Lepas, Penang Island 11900 Malaysia

Xiang Yun Vegetarian House is located at 17-G-31, Medan Kampung Relau MK 12, Bayan Point, Bayan Lepas, Penang, Bayan Lepas, Penang Island 11900 Malaysia. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Bayan Lepas. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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