
Sheng Ji Bakut Teh


5 Reviews



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Sheng Ji Bakut Teh Location

Jalan Setia Jaya Utama Batu Pahat Johor

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Sheng Ji Bakut Teh is located at Jalan Setia Jaya Utama Batu Pahat Johor. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Batu Pahat.The average price range at Sheng Ji Bakut Teh is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Sheng Ji Bakut Teh is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Batu Pahat area. There are different kinds of food in Sheng Ji Bakut Teh that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Sheng Ji Bakut Teh Reviews


5 Reviews

  • Aldo Muhammad Utomo


    Bah kut teh affair within Batu Pahat is very different from the people in Klang (as well as Klang Valley), or even at least that has been what I'd been told by my pal who lives right here."Batu Pahat individuals prefers lighter design BKT""They could never ever accept those stronger flavour or thick like those within Klang""There is once somebody from Klang who emerged and create business here promoting Klang-style BKT but this individual couldn't survive"Those had been his exact words whenever we sat down... In our midst was a genuine blue Klang nearby who followed us straight down. I thought that it is be great to obtain feedback from him. In any case this BKT location is located more up from Eating place SY and positive thing will be that it opens earlier for breakfast.salted veggie - it has got to function as best appetiser to obtain our appetite heading... They additional dried chilly for additional oomph. Ideal!Stir fried lengthy beans with pork lard and anchovies - gotta adore the aroma from the pork lard and the crunchiness from the anchovies .Substitute for select from regular rice or even yam rice - apparently yam rice is really a part of Batu Pahat. Another eating place which I'll feature soon furthermore serves yam rice. As a Hakka boy, there is nothing more nostalgic than consuming yam.Bah kut teh - instead of Klang Valley versions, the soup here's clearer and sweeter (from the pork meat). Solid herbal taste isn't what tick the locals right here. Youll discover button mushroom, enoki mushroom, beancurd epidermis, and your selection of meats inside. Want a lot more flavour? Dip in to the given darkish soy sauce, soy sauce, chilly and garlic. Oh.. they include soup for you if you would like it.Braised pork within Claypot - that is their forte... For me personally it's much better than their normal BKT. Covered in thick darkish sauce, the meats was filled with flavour and offered piping hot.Ultimately, my pal asked the Klang guy " what do you consider of Johor BKT?" He simply replied "that is Johor design and I believe that it's different".

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  • Fried Salmon


    They was previously at sy bkt. I really like the taste of bkt n stewed pork. Lovely.

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  • Novita Aldyanna


    Delicious pork!!!! Nyummy!!!!!!

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  • Fathur Rohman



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  • Tony Kurniawan



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Sheng Ji Bakut Teh Menu

  • anchovy


    pork soup


    pork & beans


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