
Restoran Ruz Aladdin


6 Reviews



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Restoran Ruz Aladdin Reviews


6 Reviews

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  • Richella Faby Loverian


    Had passed this cafe several times and made a decision to book a desk to wait the Ramadan BBQ Dinner. The meals was quite good, nonetheless it suffered from getting too many visitors and really insufficient food. The majority of the trays emptied quite quicklyand furthermore the Q's for foods were long and gradual. However, I liked what I provides and the Lamb on the Spit has been perfectly cooked. Would I move there again, could be, however, not during Ramadan.

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  • Patricia Lim


    When to the restaurant for the first time last nite when i was entertaining my pal who stayed within the nearby resort and didn't desire to go too significantly for supper. I googled the area and read the evaluation which made me comfy as Iwas the main one suggesting it. Nevertheless, when we make it happen, the atmosphere of the restaurant appears like a bit run-down. Some web pages of the menus was missing. We'd mee rebus johor and briani ayam masak merah. The noodles broth had been as well thick and the poultry taste like they are soak too much time on the gravy. The briani rice nevertheless was acceptable. We furthermore purchased banana fritters...The dough was too much as it may have already been kept cool & exposed for quite sometime....Overall...I'll not set foot once again when i felt it didn't gave me worth for the purchase price we paid. THE FINISH

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  • Aria


    I'd been attempting to try this place for quite a while now since I go by every day. That might be the 1st and the final time. The poultry chop served has been tasteless. The fries appeared and tasted as though it emerged from the least expensive,by the majority, frozen range. The beef briyani, although it tasted good, was still as well over-priced. Yes, the part was larger than the usual bowl of rice served somewhere else but many biryani areas serve this part with less cost. The asam-boi ice beverage I ordered found 8 ringgit. Additional mid-range places cost about 4 to 5 ringgit plus they serve in eyeglasses almost double how big is the glass used as of this place. So, if you ask me, it really is expensive. The area looked dilapidated even though it had been difficult to appeal to the wait staff, we'd a fly particularly designated to your table. There have been flies attending to another patrons as properly. The individual taking our orders cannot converse perfectly in English. Neither could he converse in bahasa. Exactly the same applied to another employees who delivered our orders. Appearance wise, they're definately not the clean faced, helpful servers that you'll expect from the place that charges anywhere near this much. Arrive to think about it, you would not be expectant of it at all from any eateries.

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  • Nia Amelia


    The very best nasi briyani around!!!! I've attempted briyani ayam & mee rebus. Both tasty and in a large portion. Make certain you're hungry good enough to eat the complete meal :D And in addition please attempt rojak buah! Convenient place plus they provide prayer area forMuslim. It simply the parking area is bound. Overall is okay. :)

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  • ZT Dapanda


    I ate as of this restaurant several times and the grade of the lamb biryani gam has been consistent. The biryani rice is really a little lovely, but was tasty nevertheless. Big portion. Reasonable cost. Highly Recommended.

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Restoran Ruz Aladdin Location

Lot 1243 4 Jalan Ulu Klang, Ampang 68000 Malaysia

Restoran Ruz Aladdin is located at Lot 1243 4 Jalan Ulu Klang, Ampang 68000 Malaysia. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Ampang. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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