Village Chicken Restaurant Plt
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Village Chicken Restaurant Plt


10 Reviews



RM 35 / Person

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Village Chicken Restaurant Plt Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Nihan Nuhoglu


    Have eaten this cafe in the past but they relocated & relocated to the trunk. The signature dish is village or kampung chicken . The meat isn't so fatty as perform all kampung poultry. You have other meals to select from. Check itout.

  • Adiendha Juwitha Tahir


    Had an unhealthy experience with this particular restaurant. Food isn't that great. That which was upsetting had been the part served . We purchased three dishes for desk of three and also a 21/2 12 months kid. Portions served was best for 5 grownups . We get comparable villagechicken from the restaurant 10 doors aside ( crowded during lunchtime). Go again ? NEVER

  • Buket


    A desk of eight pax for supper on 29.05.2016 (Sunday), each day early compared to the actual day which fall on 30.05.2016 (Monday). We order 5 meals :- their signature dish, the steamed Kampung Chicken - quite tasty, very juicy, smooth and tender, the stuffed fish-yummy and crispy, we furthermore purchase the sambal sotong- a little sour but still good and not as well spicy, the honey ribs will be delicious, really aromatic and fried until crispy externally and green veggie. The price less after that RM300.00 for eight pax, worth the worthiness and high quality for foods.

  • Ezgi Çeltek


    We tried this eating place with 3 kiddos. These were very enjoyable as u know children can be quite noisy sometimes. The chicken rice really was nice. Meat was extremely juicy. I particularly just like the cili paste. Price smart can be okie with the part.

  • Aksibuk


    The restaurant is really a bit old, reasonable clean and service isn't too bad. We purchase the steam chicken that is very good but tasted better. The stuff fish is crucial, crispy and tasty. It really is pretty much just like the one carried out in BantingBurger Chicken. The veggie and bean curbs are good. Worth a visit in case you are around this area.

  • Rida Sasmita


    A typical looking Chinese cafe in SS2 and a little small. But we proceeded to go for supper, having had to guide beforehand - and an excellent job we did, as the place was hectic and there is a queue of individuals with no booking. Clean- nothing special concerning the décor. Support was a little sluggish given that it had been a buy period of evening 7:30 pm. BUT we were happy with this food - lovely veggies, good cooked rather than oily. The stewed pork has been delicious and both stuffed seafood and the kampong poultry were excellent. Never had fish such as this before also it was excellent. Note that our buddies had ordered the seafood and the chicken beforehand if they made the table booking

  • Culinary Diary


    Returned to the restaurant after a lot more than a decade and was amazed to get that quality and support still as good. Location is relatively clear and staff really attentive... request to include water, more chili, even more garlic, more ginger & cells... all shipped in ajiffy. Their signature meals: "Bak Zam Kai", things fish and tofu... high quality is maintained through the years. Their key continues to be the chili & ginger sauce that simply amazing with.... Prices still affordable. Location is loaded and reservation is crucial.

  • Orhi


    This no-frills small Chinese restaurant has been around business for a lot more than 30 years. It really is well known because of its steamed village poultry and crispy, boneless stuffed seafood. Plus a cabbage fried with dried prawns dish, they are both dishes we generally orderwhen we move there for our foods on weekdays. On weekends, we always purchase "yong tau foo" (veggies stuffed with seafood paste), another of our favorites in this cafe. Yong tau foo can be acquired just on Saturdays and Sundays. For individuals who want dinner right here on weekends, it is best to create reservations first since it is normally jam packed specifically on Saturday evenings. The majority of its customers are usually family members and the older people.

  • Bülent Subasi


    The simplest way to go local would be to get yourself a local to take one to places that only locals find out about. One particular place is Village Poultry Restaurant. I was informed the eating place has been helping stuffed fish for a lot more than 30 yrs. It's definitelychild-friendly once the fish meats is scaped and stuffed in to the original form of the seafood, sans the bones. Even though the poultry rice dish isn't extraordinary, it meets the most common standards. It's worthy of ordering it. The service is good. It is a thumbs-up from me.

  • Thomy Rachman Hanif


    I have already been passing by this eating place often but on why We never ever dine here until recently, it certainly beats me 🤷🏻 everytime We passed by, normally on weekends, the cafe was filled with hungry diners. This restaurant can be an old establishment in SS2area making use of their own legion of loyal customers. I got to call couple of days beforehand to reserve a desk for the household to avoid disappointment. Affirmed, these were full house whenever we arrived around 7pm++ ◾signature village chicken - making use of free range poultry, the moist and juicy poultry was drenched within an aromatic combination of better soy sauce and essential oil. Just the sauce will do to make the children scrambled for rice. I really like how the huge poultry has this organic sweetness to its meats. ◾Village fried seafood - essentially deboned ma yau seafood using its flesh reconstructed into seafood paste and deep fried. Among their signature dish and we cherished it. ◾Pai kuat Wong - a thing that both adult and kids love. ◾Curry fish mind - another reason to include even more rice to the meal. ◾Stir fried natural dragon veggie with bean sprouts for that crunchy consistency. ◾Cantonese style noodle - gotta love crispy noodle doused with the wok hei stuffed eggy sauce. With more than twenty years running a business, they show simply no sign of slowing. In fact, it really is almost impossible to obtain desk without reservation on weekends.

Village Chicken Restaurant Plt Location

Village Chicken Restaurant Plt is located at No. 7 Jalan Ss 2/30, Petaling Jaya 47300 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Petaling Jaya. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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