The Chicken Rice Shop @ Giant Kelana Jaya
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The Chicken Rice Shop @ Giant Kelana Jaya


9 Reviews



RM 25 / Person

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The Chicken Rice Shop @ Giant Kelana Jaya Reviews


9 Reviews

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  • Kristy Emilia


    Very poor service

  • Rianny 'Opaqi' Olivia


    It has been the worst chicken rice shop I've ever been.Mana2 kedai poultry rice store mesti akan occupied and mana2 client yg biasa pergi kedai CRS akan faham that situation but this I cannot. Provider sgt2 tidak memuaskan. Employee waktu kedai complete mmg tak perform. Org dh ramai tp buat kerja mcm tu je.. terserlah tension d muka tp tidak cara bekerjanya.. cutomer dh mnuggu makan tp pkerja nevertheless lembab, mmg taknak tmbh hard work langsung dlm bkerja tp nmpk d muka tu. Buat muka je lh mampu kn.. datang ke sini mmg cutomer yg kna panggil waiter minta menus jarang skali waiter yg dtg provide.. Nasi dh hbis, tp bila consumer minta ambik purchase baru bg tahu.. During ramadhan, lepas azan maghrib barulah nak buat air flow untuk semua client.owh yeah, when u arrive here for iftar u absolutely need to come quickly to the counter to "reserved". Seated and considering the menu looking forward to them to layan u doesn't count apparently they'll gave u table aside to some other clients that come once you. You possess to visit the counter to reserved a desk that u in fact gonna sit or had been sitting. We were currently on our seat and another consumer "halau" us cause evidently she "reserved" a desk that people a sitting whenever we really arrive before her.. The cashier know we have been there and she offered it to the brand new client that had simply arrived after us.. like hello.. atleast inform us what were likely to do if that's your SOP pun. We in fact took the menus on the counter and she didn't actually notify us anything concerning the "reserved" part. Today its 8:00pm iftar was 7:20.. where in fact the hell may be the food.. what the idea of reserving our foods and desk if we nevertheless gonna obtain it late.. Administration tolong lh take action. Tmbh lh pekerja. Bagi lh correct training. Conversation pun suks, good sense pun sucks.. I love CRS.. mana2 pun msti akan lmbt.. tp ni mmg pissing individuals off..

  • Lina Amelia


    highest management cannot make use of human brain too hire more folks eh ????

  • Yemekteyiz


    Used to consume here alot when I was keeping close by. But after today’s encounter, I'll skip buying food right here.Went there from 5:30pm to pack for Buka Puasa, however the employees there ignored myself and another Chinese Uncle coz these were interested in packing for online shipping orders. After five minutes to be ignored, we simply upped and still left. Drove out and loaded from the mamak restaurant nearby rather…

  • Mümin Kadir Varıcı


    No potential for getting quick service. The lady following table inquire me to create my order on little bit of document and move to the cashier.Purchase is slow. The robot server will not replace the employees. The management need have more staff functioning there specifically during lunch hr. HorribleNever again.

  • Mert Can Doğan


    Alluhurobbi.. Kali ke 4 sy dtg.. Hrini masih kena sidai 1 jam... Mengamuk ank sy mnuggu nk makn... Staf cuma 4 org.. Seorng tkg buat surroundings sorng tkg kutip pinggan 2 supervisor dia sorng kat kaunter sorng lagi tkg sediakan mknan... Sy tggu purchase 20 minit.. Final2 pi sndiri kat kaunter... Kena tggu lagi dkt meja 30 minit...ini kali ke 4 dh tau.. Kurang employees tolong cri personnel.. Sbb ini akn mmbuat kn masa mnuggu kami sia2... Maaf pada firm bkn cust cerewet tp sngt terkilan... Bkn salah pekerja tp org atasan buat merek mcm tu.. 4 org nk hndle bpuluh2 consumer dlm satu masa mna mngkin.. Sempat....tolong perbaiki la masuk kedai u 15.45.16. 30 bru dpt mkn..

  • Cahyo Pratomo Amiseso


    At peak hr, Hanya 1 personnel je yg ambik purchase, hidang makanan, buat kerja cashier and kutip pinggan mangkuk. All in 1. 1 and just. Sgt2 pelik..peak hr tu...

  • Ralf Kalensang


    Layan teruk,, mcm hampe, klo xsebab kan lapar sgt dh prgi tmpt lain,, cstmer yg dtg awal di layan dlu sdgkan saya customer yg fh tgu 30mnt nevertheless tak ditanya order,, teruk lah xckup staff cri lah staff jangan kedekut sgt byr staff,,,

  • Gozde Sarı


    Rider menunggu 1 jam utk 1 product.Off la tab tu..Kami sebagai rider buang masa menunggu terlalu lama.bila sampai kat rumah pelanggan rider yg kena marah..kenapa lambat.. client pun sama bodoh mcm restoran poultry rice store ni.Kalau nk makan kt sini cari lah tempat lain.Garenti makanan anda akan sampai 1 jam 30 minit.

The Chicken Rice Shop @ Giant Kelana Jaya Location

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The Chicken Rice Shop @ Giant Kelana Jaya is located at 33, Jalan SS 6/12 Petaling Jaya Selangor. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Petaling Jaya. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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