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  • Rsc Tech


    Feeling thirsty & searching for a thirst quencher? You will want to head on right down to Cool Sites. Like the well-identified 'ChaTime', Cool Websites specializes in all sorts of drinks. They have a massive variety of choices for each flavoured drink. If you love dearly your bubbles, you might like to try their milk bubble tea or iced green tea extract with the excess bubbles. For the fruit enthusiasts, you may choose their ice blended choices where you can increase your favourite toppings. They will have 9 various kinds of jelly toppings for you yourself to select from with a little surcharge. Something various from the most common Bubble tea & beverage stores, Cool Blog includes a selection of Fruity Chocolate beverages. Here they will have Mango, strawberry, apple company & grape chocolate ice blended for you yourself to choose from. Coffee fans don't feel overlooked because they have something for you personally too! Pretty regular though, they provide Ice Lattes, cappuccino, whitened coffee & mocha. Aside from the beverages, they do have several fruity desserts available, very little of an assortment though. Currently in promo is their 'Sugar Cane Premium High quality Green Tea' which will come in 2 flavours, authentic or lemon. Both choices include jelly topping for the munching pleasure.

  • Jane Pardilla Laboriante


    I thought it had been pretty unusual how they put 'Cool Blog' on the list of clothing area at NU Sentral, probably it really is to remind individuals who they are able to get thirsty when purchasing (Not really! Haha). Anyhow, this store offers those crazy beverages that are insanely colourful with edible things in the beverage which looks super frightening if you ask me. Something I wouldn't normally beverage because I feel just like the aritificial colorings might poison myself. Personally i think like these kind of beverages are catered for children because unless you're wellness conscious, all you have to to drink are lovely items that look 'great' like "Great Blog". Should you choose get thirsty amid shopping! This is right in that person! Close to "Hot Roll" :p

  • Yossi Anastasia


    Feeling thirsty & searching for a thirst quencher? You will want to head on right down to Cool Sites. Like the well-identified 'ChaTime', Cool Websites specializes in all sorts of drinks. They have a massive variety of choices for each flavoured drink. If you love dearly your bubbles, you might like to try their milk bubble tea or iced green tea extract with the excess bubbles. For the fruit enthusiasts, you may choose their ice blended choices where you can increase your favourite toppings. They will have 9 various kinds of jelly toppings for you yourself to select from with a little surcharge. Something various from the most common Bubble tea & beverage stores, Cool Blog includes a selection of Fruity Chocolate beverages. Here they will have Mango, strawberry, apple company & grape chocolate ice blended for you yourself to choose from. Coffee fans don't feel overlooked because they have something for you personally too! Pretty regular though, they provide Ice Lattes, cappuccino, whitened coffee & mocha. Aside from the beverages, they do have several fruity desserts available, very little of an assortment though. Currently in promo is their 'Sugar Cane Premium High quality Green Tea' which will come in 2 flavours, authentic or lemon. Both choices include jelly topping for the munching pleasure.

  • Arzu Tekelioğlu


    I thought it had been pretty unusual how they put 'Cool Blog' on the list of clothing area at NU Sentral, probably it really is to remind individuals who they are able to get thirsty when purchasing (Not really! Haha). Anyhow, this store offers those crazy beverages that are insanely colourful with edible things in the beverage which looks super frightening if you ask me. Something I wouldn't normally beverage because I feel just like the aritificial colorings might poison myself. Personally i think like these kind of beverages are catered for children because unless you're wellness conscious, all you have to to drink are lovely items that look 'great' like "Great Blog". Should you choose get thirsty amid shopping! This is right in that person! Close to "Hot Roll" :p

CoolBlog Location

CoolBlog is located at Lot 01-46A-2, Central, Times Square No.1, Jalan Imbi 55110 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a Juice restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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