Bridge Bar
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Bridge Bar


8 Reviews




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8 Reviews

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  • Putri Nadia


    We had the peek at Bridge Bar. It really is just incredible! This is a brilliant concept to have this type of concept i.electronic. a bridge "hanging" in the center of buildings.

  • Wanz Hari


    Ambience will be a lot calm for conducive chat. Joyful hrs two pints Asahi or Hoergarden for MYR 75, and three pints Carlsberg.

  • Odmrc


    The bridge bar from the G Tower supplies a good range of beverages and cocktail, with more often than not the right offers on several beers or cocktails. Nonetheless it is fairly pricey for the knowledge.

  • Jena Cross


    The bar is situated in GTower and is really a beautiful bar at the top of the building, the area is inviting and is trendy spot to seize some drinks

  • J.C.


    I was attended a meeting as of this bar 🥃 & enjoyed the good 😍🤩 city see 👀before the function started The comfy & quiet ambience 👍🏻👆🏻definitely worth to invest my evening 🌆🌃 after work here The finger foods served is good good 👍🏻 with pairingto my glass of single malt Scottish whisky 🥃 from the function Free 🆓 WiFi 📶 designed for guests 👫👭👬 Have a look at my blog link on profile for even more of my life-style cum travelling blogging 👩🏻‍💻📝

  • James Liggins


    Grabbed an instant lunch here. Location was quite packed at lunchtime, maintained a table. I actually settled for a Cantonese styled "Yong Yong" noodles. Difficult to relate with the normal Cantonese styled "Yong Yong" noodles because the noodles was not heavy fried and the egg insauce had been a blop of overcooked. It had been edible enough and also have sufficiently seafood and vegetables. For MYR 25.50 internet and includes a beverage and dessert is very good deal.

  • Fanafsa17


    A great spot to relax at night. Great service from helpful staff although beverages a bit expensive.

  • Vatsal Jain


    Bridge Bar can be an exclusive nightclub inside KL suspended between your 2 blocks of GTower Resort. Offering among the best sights in the town, if you’re sensation adventurous, action onto the glass system for an adrenaline hurry as you appear down at the look at.Set 28 floors upward, the view isn't as impressive as Luna Bar or Sky Bar (you can’t see KLCC or the Petronas Twin Towers) nonetheless it is still fine. The atmosphere will be refined with fashionable décor but quite quiet they just had 2 individuals there on a Sunday night time. It is a tiny puzzle to obtain up there if you're not residing at the resort but with just a little persistency you will discover yourself 28 shops high =] We basically walked inside and out because they appeared to be out of white wines and the two 2 cocktails choices we'd were also “sold-out”. Kinda weird thinking of there is NOBODY there but in any case… I'd not waste my period going there easily knew because the view isn't magnificent rather than worth the trip . I'll give 3 stars simply for decor, cup bridge and decent watch....

Bridge Bar Location

Bridge Bar is located at Level 28, GTower, 199 Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur 50400 Malaysia. This is a Bar restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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