Yong Pin Restaurant
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Yong Pin Restaurant


10 Reviews



RM 10 / Person

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Yong Pin Restaurant Location

Yong Pin Restaurant is located at 11-C Jalan Sungai Ujong, George Town, Penang Island Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the George Town.The average price range at Yong Pin Restaurant is around RM 10 / Person,and the opening hours are 6:00 - 12:00,19:00 - 12:00.Yong Pin Restaurant is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the George Town area. There are different kinds of food in Yong Pin Restaurant that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact 6042611355.

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Yong Pin Restaurant Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Mike Pang


    The dim sum was soooo yummyyyyyy & cheap.. actually enjoyed our breakfast right here.. the dimsum had been serve hot.

  • Savira Anggraini


    came here since it has a large amount of good testimonials. some dishes were okay, some weren't. the chicken feet right here even more nicer than zim sum at macalister. later discovered the dimsum preferences of the 2 shops are in fact about the same.i actually came toconclusion penang's dimsum seems had even more sweetness taste that we dont prefer.

  • Andreas Anindito Hermawan


    If you wish to involve some Dim Sum each morning, it is possible to come here . Order Chinese tea plus some Dim Sum, start your relaxing day inside Penang !

  • Noot Noot


    It is a old chinese restaurant well-known for dimsum between the locals. They market all times dim sum and noodles during the night. We'd the crispy seafood noodles and its own as well starchy. Dim sum will be acceptable

  • Anastasia.tania


    Dim sum are everywhere more costly than cheap street foods inside Malaysia. But if you want dim sum, you're spoiled in Malaysia because you can find food areas where you are able to nearly eat just that and you can find so many choices. The dim sum hereare a little less refined compared to the ones at Tai tong but cheaper and you can find more choices, so that you can eat a bit more for the price. It really is still a location to recommend therefore even though the multilayered cake with coconut and kaya (excellent portion to talk about) was a little dry There is space to consume and fans. The atmosphere will be genuine Chinese with few vacationers eating there. You can find always several Chinese eating right here. It is popular. I was quite full with 7 forms of dim sum or even with 4 dim sum and the multilayered cake. With a coke lighting I paid like 28 rm The service was quick and polite but speaking few English like at Tai Tong, only 1 waiter speaks English and found me to answer my questions. The staff provides a number of dim sum to your desk via trays multiple occasions, and you also pick and select what you would like. They write the purchase price on a document next to you to enable you to see the costs climbing. Be careful in accordance with you spending budget because dim sum tend to be more expensive in fact it is therefore appetising you need to make many Affordability is great. I went there as well times and I'd go back

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