Sin Hup Aun Cafe
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Sin Hup Aun Cafe


9 Reviews




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Sin Hup Aun Cafe Reviews


9 Reviews

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  • Fransisca Widjaja


    The café has a lot of stalls like the "Jones Street Famous Mee Goreng" (Indian Muslim Fried Noodles) and the "Best Curry Mee around". A good spot to have early morning breakfast that is usually crowded - maybe it is near to the Pulau Tikus Marketplace. Itook away rather than sit down

  • Sesilia Winarni


    This coffee shop close to the Pulau Tikus market includes a large amount of stalls offering a number of hawker food like curry mee, prawn noodles, mee goreng, economy rice, nasi lemak, etc. Weekend break mornings are actually crowded and busy. Foods all generally great and reasonablypriced.

  • Giovani Hartasia


    Went there to use the supposedly famous hokkien mee. It had been just okay. Not really that great. But the services was exceptionally bad! Cafe owners are actually rude to us. We purchased some apam to the cafe to consume, questioned for rubbish bin to discard thewrappers. We had been very rudely asked to create our rubbish elsewhere.

  • Mr. D


    Ate lunch for 3 for under $3.00 USD. Fresh foods, great coffee, fast program. We enjoyed the wan tan mee right here.

  • Ghea Annisa Niftia


    A crowded restaurant, but food are great and price good as well. Prawn Mee and Porridge are usually good. I love the coffee too

  • Ayu Retno Ks


    Prawn Mee or Hokkien Mee, Char Koay Teow or CKT and Mamak Fried Mee, 3 of the favorite street foods. Discovered these in Kafe Sin Hup Aun, Jalan Pasar in Pulau Tikus, Penang. The Hokkien Mee really was good. Soup had not been too over powering.Very little msg in it. Didn't have the urge to beverage lots of drinking water. The CKT got 'wok hei' and the Mamak Mee was great without an excessive amount of ingredients crowding the tastebuds. I love my food simple.

  • Dimas Wicaksono


    Visited eat lunch with household, wow the chap enjoyable has been super delicious! Ate infant squids, poultry drumstick in some type of percik sauce, and veggies. The squid was therefore tender and delicious! Must try everybody!!

  • Mrhylmz2016


    In case you are in Penang there's just such a selection of food therefore many cafes that assist great Penang food it's sometimes difficult to acquire one which has several great stalls in a single place. In case you are in the general section of famousPulau Tikus to go to the wet marketplace and so are yearning for normal hawker meals like hokkien mee, curry discover and wanton find, you must drop by this cafe. The cafe is definitely shut on Wed and opens as soon as 7.30 am however, not all the stalls could be ready in those days. The mee goreng, char alright teow, alright meow tng, claypot rice and economic climate rice are good. Just beyond your cafe is really a Malay chickencurry puff vendor which makes its curry puff refreshing so give a try too.

  • Secil.atmaca


    It’s one among the countless kopitiams surrounding Pulau Tikus wet marketplace. Few stalls there but I discover all the food great. My favourites will be the conventional koay teow th’ng, char koay teow, curry mee & wan ton mee. Besides in addition, it has oneof the very best econ rice meals in town, few dishes but several good ones are sufficient. Btw the char koay teow uncle is definitely polite & friendly & will support all our exclusive requests 👏🏻👍🏻! It is a morning kopitiam, opens early & probably around early afternoon only.

Sin Hup Aun Cafe Location

Sin Hup Aun Cafe is located at 17 Jalan Pasar, George Town, Penang Island Malaysia. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the George Town. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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