Monkey Cup Garden
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Monkey Cup Garden


10 Reviews



RM 35 / Person

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Monkey Cup Garden Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Sarah Audri


    Whilst at best of Penang Hill we took the slow stroll to Monkey Glass Cafe. It really is about 2,3km from primary station but there's golf carts accessible if you want. The scenery is incredible but remember there is absolutely no Monkeys there andit is approximately specific plants. The espresso is excellent and staff extremely attentive once you there. They also demonstrated some scorpions and frogs on screen. There's an extra charge if you want to stroll through the gardens. Certainly worth a trip if you there.

  • Hasian Febriana


    Great garden with all sorts of pitcher or "monkey cup" plant it's likely you'll see. Excellent visit by Lim a self trained expert on the fantastic variety of plant life in the region. And also a cute cafe!

  • Duo Bicik


    This is definately not the main area so it is quite a distance to go. Very small could be in and out within 10/15 mins. Some beautiful blossoms and fauna. Jeep is provided from the entry and back free of charge.

  • Edinhadz82


    The backyard itself is interesting but small, would say it had been worth RM12 in fact it is right near the top of the hill. The employees were very helpful and supplied us with free of charge shuttle provider to the primary area. Gleam small caféand toilet amenities (that was rather interesting since it was included in a tree!). Worth taking a look if you have never been before.

  • Hendikasinaga


    Lovely shady 30 min walk from Upper Station. Great views. Worthy of the 12 Ringit backyard tour. Let personnel know to get free ride back again after cooling drink.

  • Andy Liau


    My fiance and We was sensation adventurous and walked faraway from the higher station later on where buggies were to arrive and out. We weren't expecting anything and after 30-45 mins of walking and photograph taking, asked an area driver that which was upahead the street. He mentioned that there is a cafe and we had been excited to truly have a spot to rest our hip and legs. Whenever we arrived, we purchased a glass or two, and took a rest. The staff were really friendly and demonstrated us the creatures (scorpion, frog, centipede and milipede) which were on site. These were also very educated and enthusiastic about them. We got the free of charge ride back after investing in a beverage, but didn't have sufficient time to go to the backyard. Recommended to walk a proven way for those who have time. Or even, take a buggy in case you are thinking about the plants and pets.

  • Lucy Hyolyn Official


    Lovely little private assortment of monkey cup plants...just takes 20mins roughly but well worthy of the purchase price and the son who took us round obviously was very proficient in his subject and seem delighted that people were therefore interested to understand from him aboutthese strange vegetation. Staff and cafe are usually delightful. I saw many individuals take a buggy trip to the garden rather than stop going right’s there loss.

  • Nadiyah Rahma


    Stunning garden showcasing the countless species of monkey cup plants discovered right here and from afar. Peaceful and helpful - 12 ringgit entry really worth it - they provided free lift back again to the very best station which we gladly recognized. Coffee shop is quite and wehad an additional benefit glimpse of a family group of monkeys swinging above us.

  • Grace Kosasih


    Visited this garden within our Penang Hill check out. The garden, though little, was filled with many types of the pitcher plant that is known as the monkey glass. We'd an informative trip explaining each range. The orchids randomly put into thegarden were also stunning. Following the orientation, we had been served brewed coffee that was nothing especial. In case you are thinking about plants, this location could be attractive.

  • Shamin


    We bought tickets for the Monkey Mug Backyard at a ticketing counter in the square in the Penang Hill. The ticket costed RM30 protected buggy rides of both instructions, entrance charge of the backyard, and coffee by the end of the trip. We had been takenon a buggy trip which may have two photograph stops on the way (one has been to snap panoramic image of the island and another was to snap picture of a postbox from the Victorian period). The buggy driver would describe about the bungalows across the trip. About 20 minutes afterwards, we reached our location. We had been welcomed by the pleasant staff at the Backyard who permitted us to carry scorpions and frogs! Just what a unique knowledge! We proceeded to enter the backyard full of monkey glasses of all sizes and shapes. Helpful information would warmly show us about the plant life as we continued with this walk in the backyard encircled by rainforest. If one is usually lucky enough, she or he would place freshwater crabs and frogs as well. Towards the finish of the visit, we were taken to the cafe. The cafe is in fact an open area, whereby you would be sipping your "kopi hutan" (literally jungle coffee) beneath the rainforest trees. It is a satisfying encounter to drink warm espresso in the coolness of jungle on hilltop. I'd highly recommend this appeal to those who find themselves visiting Penang Hill.

Monkey Cup Garden Location

Monkey Cup Garden is located at Jalan Tuanku Yahya Petra, Penang Island 11050 Malaysia. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Butterworth. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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