唐山美食 Tangshan Cuisine Bayan Lepas

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唐山美食 Tangshan Cuisine Bayan Lepas


10 Reviews




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唐山美食 Tangshan Cuisine Bayan Lepas Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Aslicicek507


    Food was above common, not remarkable. Services was reasonable for an extremely crowded Monday evening. The majority of the workers look like students.

  • Sitta Sukandar


    Taste great but abit salty.

  • Ginanjar Mardhikatama


    Enjoy their white rice and 辣子鸡, will certainly return back again when I'm in Penang

  • Jope Ray Mendoza


    唐山美食 bayan lepas branch, the Chinese cafe.Braised pork (红烧肉) was incredible. Mapo tofu (麻婆豆腐) and pork ribs and prawn dried out pot (干锅排骨虾) also pretty good. Special mention with their appetizer, Dark fungus (黑木耳). Unexpectedly tasty.

  • Wilnie Chua


    The meals taste is good and serve in hot. The soup is definitely tasty and refreshing because ingredient possess scallop and crab. Will order for next check out. The purchase price also reasonable because the food portion very big . One among the Chinese woman who take purchase unfriendly and impolite.

  • Happy 👩🏻‍🍳 Diet


    OMG 发现这家餐馆简直不要太好吃~~~《 唐山美食 》由于一下飞机抵达槟城机场 已经是下午2点多,起飞之前随手看一下机场附近的餐馆 ,发现宝藏‍馆子,菜色看着就很诱人 ,抱着try 一attempt看 ,没想到 !是那么的回味无穷啊!4个人点了6道菜肴,都是“小的” 可是份量一点都不小哟!真的很好吃很满足 ~吃不完还打包呢环境:食物:价格:辣子肥肠 -- 小 RM30香辣酥脆 很爽快 一口接一口川菜回锅肉 -- 小 RM28个人喜欢搭配着葱灯笼椒 一口一口吃麻婆豆腐 -- 小 RM18是我吃过最够味~的麻婆豆腐 热腾腾时候超下饭!就是有点费米饭…(冷了之后不太好吃,勾芡开始浓稠)记得趁热吃 清炒青龙菜--大 RM18好吃 就是馆子的味道 水煮金凤鱼 -- 小 RM58这一锅端出来 有点惊讶!真的很大一锅,可以吃5-6个人份,超值的!必点 味道很足很足三色蒸蛋 -- 小 RM18看起来平平无奇的蒸蛋,但一口下去 ,正啊!直接暖到心里 很满足的一餐 ,一开始觉得很重口味,吃完感觉要喝很多水,怎知道,不会叻!一点都不口渴!果然 …. 真材实料 一定会在光顾 !!!#唐山美食#美食篇

  • Radhika Unnikrishnan


    Food is great with reasonable price. Great environment to consume with relatives and buddies.

  • Adnan Temir


    Had very bad services knowledge and the aunty extremely bad manners. In case you are hungry much better don't move this store.The table which order afterwards than us, the shop serve their food first. I query the aunty, she say only 1 chef.. if one chef you will want to serve us very first which we have been order first. As a result we require the bill the existing drink and food they served, then your aunty said "ok, simply pay the costs" with rude manner. After that we said ok. From then on the aunty just go check your kitchen, and turn out said our meals is ready.I'm sorry, you'd ruined our disposition to eat there. You need to go and discover the status very first and take notice your manner.I understand your eating place is popular, a whole lot customer. But avoid being so arrogant.Bad services

  • İsmail Uğur Yağlı


    food is ok, famous restaurant that includes a main branch inside Georgetown BUT the support is lame, waiting period is longhighly not recommended if you don't have time and energy to burn and end up being plan the lame services

唐山美食 Tangshan Cuisine Bayan Lepas Location

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唐山美食 Tangshan Cuisine Bayan Lepas is located at 78-G, Persiaran Mahsuri 2/1 Bayan Lepas Penang. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Bayan Lepas. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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